Chapter 4: A villainous Allience

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Miles POV

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Miles POV

After all the scene with the Monkie Kid's gang, I was, well, you could say I was kind of forced to accompany them for much dramatic as it sounds to they're mission, I tried so hard to tell them no but Mk and Mei wouldn't stop begging me to go with them as they cried, I couldn't keep hearing they're weeping, so I had no choice.

Mk was in a, more or less in gratitude to me for saving his life, apart that he somehow got some kind of affection towards me? I say this is because ever sense I agree to go with them he doesn't stop to act as if we were close friends, I still don't really understand it but well what's important is that I was able to get his trust pretty more easily than I though, as well as for the most part of the gang.

Mei actually was pretty cool about me coming with them as she helped Mk to convince me, she immediately asked me if I could be friends with her and Mk, which I accepted although I was a little doubtful about it but well what else can be done? After that she started to take a lot of pictures of me and posting them instantly to his profile which was and still is really annoying.

Tang was really terrified by the moment we saw each other, it took him a little while to get used to me being around, but once he calmed himself he didn't stopped talking about some of the adventures of the Monkey King, famous legends and some other things of their mythology, the information is interesting but I need him to stop right now or else I'm going to lose it.

Pigsy is actually the only one who doesn't fully trusts me yet, surprisingly isn't it? He has some sort of combination of suspicion and fear towards me, not surprised, but because of the two young adults insistence he had no option but to let me in, it will take a while to gain his full trust but nothing I can't handle.

Right now we just arrived at Sandy's boat to ask him for help, I doubt that he will look any different from the show, maybe just the eyes, but before we go I have to do something quick so I need a distraction.

"Umm you know what, I think I'll wait outside"

"Huh? Why's that?" Mk asked me.

"I just don't want him to get the wrong impression you know?" I said trying to sound a bit worried "I wouldn't like that Sandy refuses to help us because of me so I'll just stay here, if he accepts shout for me okey?"

The gang understood my "worry" and enter inside, Pigsy was a bit suspicious but agreed anyway, once they all entered I quickly teleported to DBK's base, why? Well you're about to find out.

Once I entered the place I noticed that is entirely guarded by many Bull Clones walking all across the area in a specific pattern.

'I must say, it's surprising how many Bull Clones they make, the only problem is of course that they're very easy to destroy'

I walked around while avoiding they're sight as I search for a good hiding spot, ever since I talked with Red son I decided that I should be more aware of his family's actions and discussions, after all they're gonna be the ones who liberate LBD so better check on them, just in case. Once I found the perfect place, I quickly put a speaker in it and teleported back, and just in time since Mk came immediately to tell me to go with them.

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