I pushed my arms underneath her body and swooped her body up in a swift movement. And carried her bridal style to the V.I.P parking lot of 'The Backseat'. The car beeped in response to the keys as I pressed on the unlock button. I gently lowered her body into the passenger's seat careful not to hit her head and buckled her up before I went to the driver's seat.

You might ask why I'm finally being nice to her after spending almost all of my high school years torturing her when I could've just left her there in the alley. Well here's my answer. I have questions and she has the answers. And I'm not letting her go anywhere till I get my answers.


It was so fucking cold especially when I have the car's A/C vents directed at me. I pulled on my leather jacket together tightly trying to keep the cold out, but that was impossible considering that I was wearing a dress that barely covered my ass. I shifted in the seat I was in a bit so I could lift my leg up and push the A/C vent to the other side. I immediately felt the coldness leaving my skin and was replaced by warmth.

I turned my head a little towards the window and saw that it was still in the middle of the night. Suddenly I jerked up out of my seat as soon as I realized I was in a car with someone. Good thing I had on a seatbelt otherwise I would have flew out of the windshield. I was pulled back down to the seat by the seatbelt. "Whoa take it easy." A male voice coming from my side said.

I turned my head towards the person and my face fell as soon as I saw Kyle with both of his hands on the steering wheel and a foot on the pedal. "Pull over." I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest and staring out of the window trying to distract myself from his presence. "What happened back there?" He asked. I don't think he heard me either that or he chose to ignore me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about Arianne." He took his eyes off the road to look at my body. I looked down at myself and finally noticed that my dress and hands were stained by Kyle's blood. "Oh this. This is nothing I just kind of stumbled upon a group." I lied. There is no way I'm letting Kyle know what I did back there I thought.

"D-did you-" He began but quickly stopped and shook his head as if it was impossible. "Nevermind," He continued. "What really happened back there?" What can I say probably something like you were dieing and I had to save your fucking useless life. Oh and did I mention that I found out you're a werewolf too? Like hell I would say that I thought.

His eyes suddenly went big and his mouth kind of dropped into an O shape. "You saved my life?" He asked but it sounded more as a statement as if he knew already. How the hell did he know? Did he just read my mind. I shook those thoughts away that can't be it's impossible right?

"Answer me!" He growled. I snapped back to reality and saw how furious Kyle was. "Geez Kyle you might wanna pull over before you go all wolfy on me." "Wolfy?" He asked. I looked back at the road and noticed the car was heading straight towards the car in front of us that was stopped due to a red light. "Brakes!" I yelled, pointing to the car in front of us. Kyle looked towards where I pointed my finger at and stepped on the brakes so hard I thought I heard something crack.

"Now spill what you know from back there Arianne." He said, getting back to the conversation we were having just a moment ago. "Do you mind pulling over this time? Cuz I don't like the idea of dieing in a car with you." He muttered something under his breath as he made a U-turn and parked near a park. He came over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. "I think I can open a door by myself." I said. "Fine whatever." He mumbled, taking a step back from me and the car.

As soon as my legs touched the ground they felt all weak and wobbly. I held onto the car's handle to keep my legs from not giving out on me. Slowly I made my legs move towards the bench that was just a few feet away. By the time I got to the fourth step my head started to pound inside of me like my head was being smashed to the wall over and over again.

Finally my legs couldn't support me any much longer and I fell backwards. Kyle went to my side quickly and held me up by my waist. He hosted me up and started to bent down a little "What're you doing?" I asked suspiciously. He swooped me off my feet and I accidentally let a small yelp escape my lips. He placed me down on the bench and took a seat beside me too.

"Talk." He demanded. If this chick isn't gonna talk I swear I'll- "You'll what?" I interupted his thought. Shoot! Why did I say that? Suddenly something clicked inside of my brain. I can read his mind. Obviously he thought the same thing too cuz he looked at me with a startled expression.

Arianne can you hear me?

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, standing up and bringing one of my hands up to cover my mouth in shock. "Y-yes." I managed to say still in shock of me and Kyle's discovery.

What happened?

I can only tell you what I know.

And what is that?

"You died." I answered him as if that was the only thing needed to be said so he can understand the whole situation. Care to elaborate I heard him thought. "I channeled my energy towards you. But obviously I gave you too much of my energy and lost most of mine that's why I'm not feeling so good right now." I explained. "You can't transfer energy towards another if their not a supernatural being. You could die if I was a human." He said.

"Of course I knew I could've died dumbass." "Then why'd you do it?" "Your blood...it h-has a odor of a wolf in it."

That explains about everything but one things still unclear what about this telepathic web were connected in.

"That is one thing I don't know. I think something went wrong during the energy transfering." "Oh god! I hope you can fix this Arianne I mean it's bad enough I have to hear and see you everyday at school but hearing you inside my head too. Isn't gonna work." I rolled my eyes at his comment and snapped back "Lets not forget who brought us into this situation." "We wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't almost cause me my life."

"It's called self defense doofus." "I was drunk." He defended himself. "I am NOT having this argument here!" I said, raising my voice a little. "Do you realize that it's probably like 4 in the morning now?" I asked. "We have school tomorrow so drive me home so I can rest up and figure out what to do about us."

I commanded, walking back to his car and turned around to say "The faster we get going. The faster I'll figure something out to break this telepathic web we have. So chop chop!" I said, clapping my hands together in a way to say get-it-going-now.

That stupid bitch thinks she can boss me around watch what happens when I- "When you what?" I asked, cupping a hand to my ear. "Would you stop invading my thoughts?!" He yelled back, making his way over to the car. "No can do Desmond." I replied.

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