When you get kidnapped on your school trip? / pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey Karma, Y/n!" Nagisa called, your eyes following the blue haired boy's voice, "Do you guys wanna be in our group?"

A warm smile spread across your cheeks, Karma flashing the group a lazy smirk, "Count us in."

As the two of you walked towards the group, Sugino gave Karma a wary look, one that was honestly much deserved with Karma's behavior and personality.

"Uh... You're gonna behave yourself right?" Sugino questioned, his hands shoved nervously in his pockets, "No funny business? No getting into fights and all that stuff?"

"Yeah, sure." Karma spoke all too calmly before rummaging around his bag to pull out a photo of him posing with two uneasy looking people, "Don't worry! When I strike trouble out of town, let's just say... I know how to keep witnesses from reporting it."

After taking a second glance at the picture you bursted into laughter, giving your boyfriend a warning squeeze of his hand to which he looked down at you like he had no idea what he had done.

"Oh great, and now he's part of our group! Way to go!" Sugino shouted to Nagisa who only could smile sheepishly at him.

"Eh, what can I say? We've been friends for a while. Plus Y/n can probably keep him in line."

Smiling brightly you nodded your head and shot Sugino a confident look and a curt nod.

"Of course I will! Karma will be causing no trouble while on the trip, I'll make sure of it." You exclaimed with a bright smile, Karma giving you an unimpressed look before ruffling his fingers through your hair and looking back to the rest of the group.

"So, who else? There's you, me, Sugino, Kayano, Y/n... should be one more and probably a girl right?"

"Haha!" Sugino sneered,, "No sweat, I foresaw this and took the liberty of enlisting someone very special!"

Tilting your head over to his direction you saw him show off Kanzaki, of course he would be so proud to have the school's idol on the team.

"Thank you for letting me join, I'm flattered."

Offering a smile towards the girl you nodded your head to her until you heard Karma sneer from above you.

"Maybe with her in the group you won't be the most naive one here!"

At this your jaw jutted out in annoyance as you began punching the side of his arm and shouting profanities to him.

Maybe this would be a fun weekend after all.

The day of the trip you could hardly wait. Just that night you had pre-packed everything and prepped your uniform.

The mild inconvenience of the upper classes showing off their first class tickets was a nuisance, but honestly you were relieved you didn't have to be in the same train car with them.

Instead your classmates and teachers all fit into one car, socializing amongst each other. Initially you talked with your classmates until your group offered to play a card game, deciding the long ride was making you woozy you decided to take a nap against Karma's side as he played the game.

The rest of the ride went smoother than you could've imagined. You and the girls in your group got some snacks, you woke up to play one round of the card game, and then sure enough you were in Kyoto. Normally when you traveled you would be alone with your parents on a plane, who typically were asleep most of the time.

Once you arrived you couldn't help the excitement bubbling in your chest. Between sitting in a train car all day and just wanting to explore, you were a bit jittery.

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