HELLBURN / Chaos Theory Unleashed.

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Full name.     Kenneth Nova Carmine.
Preferred name.   Nova. She prefers this far more than her first name, as it is a much better fit and rather apt given her powers.
Nicknames.    Kenny. Based on the first half of her name, and fairly commonly used, Kenny came about by one of her old close friends when she was much younger and it stuck. She used to be teased and bullied for her first name hence the nickname and although she got over all the teasing, etc she never did learn to adore her first name as much as she would have given that her father's the one that picked it. Supernova. A more flamboyant nickname which comes from and is used by those who know her and her powers rather well. She really is a force to be reckoned with and her nickname suggests just as much. A name fit for a hero/villain.
Faceclaim and backup.   Erin Kellyman and N/A.
Age.   17.
Birthdate and zodiac.   24th March, Aries.
Gender, pronouns and sexuality.   Cis-female. She/Her. Queer (unlabelled).
Personality.   The fire in her heart burned through, severing all the nerve endings until she could feel no more. Compassion, gone. Generosity, gone. Unless you count her sparing your life so you could watch as everything around you burned into the ground. She's powerful and she knows it, they all do. Don't make the mistake of confusing her confidence for arrogance, the last guy to do that lost his tongue. He's currently tasteless. She feels no remorse for her actions and nether should you, they bloody well deserved it! Don't worry though, she isn't completely heartless, and she wouldn't dare to harm anyone who didn't give her a good enough reason to do so, and she wouldn't hurt kids, she's not a monster despite all the rumours. Nova's cheerful disposition tends to shock and confuse most people but trust me when I say, you can hear the darkness in her laugh. She's a passionate, spontaneous, bold leader with a wild sense of adventure and an almost reckless quality about her. She would love for you to get to the point and stop all of that unnecessary rambling. She's direct and will tell you like it is, no sugarcoating, that burned off long ago. Her words can cut you deep and leave a bitter aftertaste but those who have encountered her will tell you that it's worth it to get a taste, worth the risk being burned. Impatient. Short tempered. She'll blow you away, and I mean literally. But her affection is far more terrifying. She craves the attention of anyone she latches onto. If you dare try and take that away from her, you won't live to tell the tale.
Backstory.   Kenneth had always been a bit different. As a child, up until she turned 11, she had thought that her dad had hung the fucking moon. That changed one night when she found her father standing over her mother's burning corpse. What Kenneth would come to learn was that her father was an avid drinker and abused her mother. That night: it was like a fire had lit in her, seeping through her skin and singeing anything that came too close.
Every day after that her father would now abuse her, having lost his original toy, and she could physically feel all feelings of love drain from her heart, every emotion just erased to nothing. But one thing always stuck with her; the image of her mother's burning corpse, the smell of burnt flesh. That's all she dreamt about. But these thoughts didn't terrify her. If anything, they excited her to no end.
Family details and dynamics.   Eliza Carmine (mother, thirty-four, fading memories of her, deceased). Franklyn Carmine (father, rotten, alcoholic, abuser, alive for now).
Power.   Pyrokenesis
Type of Mania.   Pyromania
Likes.   Chaos, burning wood, attention/affection, hot summer mornings, sunrises, fire, red, noise, the calm before the storm, winning, independence, music, power, fast-paced/quick decisions, challenges, comfortable clothing, arson.
Dislikes.   Calm, rules/restrictions/routines/orders, clingy, mayonnaise, laziness, dependancy, excessive alcohol, bullies, undeserved pain/punishment, negativity, losing control, cold weather, complainers, slow walkers, inactivity, plain food.
Fears.   Turning into their father, losing control on someone she cares about, becoming codependent, dying before taking justice/revenge on her father, being stuck in a slow moving, monotonous life full of constant routines and a 9-5 desk job.
Love interest?   Nova's love interest is undecided for now. I'm thinking best friends to lovers, falling for someone seemingly similar, being happy, before it all possibly falls apart?
Okay with death or injury?   I am okay with Nova being injured or dying.
Theme song.   Play with fire, Sam Tinnesz.
Quotes.   "Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do."
"Let's burn this motherfucker down."
"I don't care."
"... Am I supposed to feel bad?"
"Awe, you called the police? I thought we were having fun."
"I've got places to be, people to kill. Duces."
"Where'd you go, honey?! I'm feeling a bit lonely."
"I wish you all the best in hell. I'll be joining you soon."
"I didn't kill the kid, I'm not totally heartless."
"If you didn't love me anymore you wouldn't be here!"
"Will you two please shut up? Your mindless bickering is going to make me go nuclear."
Extra.   Kenny has Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD). And although she's gives of short, fiery girl vibes, she's actually 5'6. She's dangerous, although people, mainly men, tend to underestimate her and her abilities. You could swear you almost saw her eyes turning red, but no, that's just the reflection of the fire in her eyes as she watches on gleefully without remorse. A classic arsonist.
Password.   N/A
Tags.   N/A

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