
"Bye Abi!" Lilly shouted towards her as she walked towards her car. Abigail waved before sitting in her car and driving off. "Right then. Let's go." Lou said as the four sat in the car and the ignition rumbled to life. "Well, that went well." Lilly sighed tilting her bead back and staring at her husband. Lou hummed in response, eyes remaining on the road. She sighed and turned her attention to the trees and meadows that flew past the window as the family drove on.

Ninjago has changed a lot over the centuries. At first, the first Spinjitzu master lived in peace with the ever-growing population. With his wife and friends - The elemental masters. With them in charge. Everyone was safe and at peace. But when he died. Everything dissolved into chaos. The humans blamed the elementals for failing to save him. They manipulated the next generation into thinking of them as monsters rather than their saviours.

A demon to an angel. Or a little closer to home, a yin to a yang.

Tensions rose and people split off into groups. Enemies divided by lies. The elementals were kicked out of power and driven into hiding. Saying goodbyes and travelling far and wide, searching for new places to call home.

The earth elemental, after many years of being on the move, settled in a quiet village that would soon become Jamanakai. Then when he passed not long after, without an heir, the element itself picked a new vessel to stay with. A young woman called Natalia. A beautiful, strong and determined woman who had a soft spot for anyone and everyone. She married and had two children. Betty and Jonathan. The youngest of the two (Jonathan) married and had, well. Lilly. And you know who Lilly married.

The elementals had been in hiding for almost five hundred years when a woman who did not look her age, came looking for the next generation of elemental masters, as well as assigning a few herself. Her name was Kathryn. What I mean by "a women who doesn't look her age" is that this woman had been around long enough to witness the first Spinjitzu Master's wedding and she looked like she was in her fucking thirties! She was his best friend. And the first Elemental Master of Spectrums.

Let me elaborate.

Kathryn could control some of the elements. And, unlike Amber, she didn't have to absorb them. She just, had them. The elements, as we know of: (We know of, who am I kidding I've met the bloody women. I'm just under strict orders from the author not to say anything) Fire, Earth and Nature. After Kathryn had activated all the elements that she controlled at the time. All that was left was to give away was her element.

Now, elemental masters can give up their powers if they wanted to, with enough strength. But the Spectrum element is different from the others. It's...origins, are slightly different from the others. So, when she did finally give them up (by focusing all her energy into one place and then releasing it) the process left her incredibly weak. She collapsed and didn't have the strength to get up or call for help. The element was her lifeline. It kept her alive. Powered her every move. She had always been that way. Relying on her power to keep her safe, and when she let that go, her body didn't know how to react. She had gone hundreds of years leaning on the element and without it, she was lost.

Obviously, the element itself had left some evidence of it being there, it's what kept her alive in those last few moments. But when the element found a new vessel to stay with. It took those last few bolts of power from her. And although she was able to say goodbye to the people she would leave behind. She was gone not soon after. However, she had done a good job choosing the next generation of elemental masters. They kept Ninjago safe, won over majority of the population all while keeping their identities a secret - more or less - and having relationships and children.

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