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"What's taking her so long?"

While we watched Wonder Woman on the mattress I laid on the floor of my room, Lia broke the silence, asking the main thing that had been occupying all our minds since Yeji left the room earlier to answer a phone call.

Specifically, from her boyfriend.

"Maybe she's arguing with Yeonjun," Chaeryeong commented nonchalantly, popping a couple of popcorn into her mouth without looking away from the screen.

"I still don't know why they haven't broken up," Yuna added, dipping her hands into the popcorn bucket.

For context, it had been two years since Yeonjun and Yeji became a couple, technically three if you count their freshman year. And although I fully supported Yeji's happiness and her actions to achieve it, it was quite devastating for me to hear the news.

Chaeryeong and I became friends with Yeji and Lia in fourth grade, while Yuna joined our group when she was still in third grade. Not that we all magically got together and somehow became the best of best friends, but it was sort of like that? Other than that, we all became best friends and grew closer over the years, but as cliche as it might sound, I had the hugest crush on Yeji.

People often say that falling for your best friend can ruin the friendship, and I didn't want that to happen as much as I desired to confess. With Yeji dating Yeonjun, I knew I had to keep my feelings in check and stay in the friend zone. However, over time, we noticed that Yeji's relationship with Yeonjun was taking a toll on her.

My first impression of Yeonjun was actually great. He was a nice guy with good looks, had the height, the smile, and practically everything a girl could've wished for. Hence, his popularity in school. But of course, it was way too good to be true.

On normal occasions, Yeji would often visit us in tears, whether out of anger or frustration was the mystery. And even though they might've seemed like the most beautiful, perfect, and the cutest couple — they weren't.


Sometimes I wonder if I was living in a cliche fairy tale, but as far as I know, I would've preferred to be in a cliche fairy tale than to be the spectator that was in love with her best friend who could never be hers.

As to why Yeonjun and Yeji weren't the perfect couple, it was up to you how you wanted to find out.

"That's what happens when you have an attachment," I sighed as I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Lia asked, tearing her gaze away from the TV.

"I'll go check on her and be back." 

As soon as they gave me the 'OK', I left the room and went on the adventure to find a wild Hwang Yeji. 

Usually, she would be by the stairs or in the bathroom when taking a call from him. And yes, he calls a lot when we have sleepovers, and it was really bothersome, but what could we do?

I checked every bathroom upstairs, but there was no sign of Yeji. 

Staircase? No Yeji either.

And as I was about to give up and dial her number, the slam of the front door had caught my attention.

"Yeji?" I called out, freezing upon the quiet sniffles from afar. At first, I wasn't sure if my ears were playing games on me or not, but after a moment or two, I rushed down the stairs, fully aware that I wasn't hallucinating or any of the sort.

Halting as I spotted a familiar figure, I sighed and turned on the lights, immediately seeing Yeji's blotchy face with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"He came?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady before looking out the window. Yeonjun's car was now leaving.

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