Mōryōmaru says thoughtfull as he studies the sword in Sesshomaru's right hand, "Hm? I can see you've got a new blade and I bet you're just itching to try it out, aren't you?" For a heartbeat, neither demon speaks as a wind blows in the distance. An adamantine shard glints on the ground between the males. "As you wish!!" Mōryōmaru thrusts out his right arm and fire and lightning shoot for the dog demon.

"Meido Zangetsuha!" Sesshomaru calls out, slashing his sword down through the two elements. A violet crescent opens up behind them and ducks the fire and lightning attacks inside but Moryomaru sprouts wings and leaps into the air in order to avoid the deadly attack.

Sesshomaru demands indignantly, "He's fleeing?!"

I gasp as the area around us suddenly turns red and mini origami cranes appear. The demon from before speaks up. "It's nothing personal." He holds up his right index finger and sends out more mini cranes. "Naraku ordered me to let him escape, you see." Sesshomaru whirls around and angrily slashes with Tensaiga to open another portal to the Underworld. The cranes and illusion disappear. "Farewell, Sakura-sama, Sesshomaru-sama!"

The demon spares us a smile as he floats into the sky before he vanishes.

I go up to my fiancé and gently put my hand on his arm. From the way Sesshomaru's gold orbs are wavering, I could tell he's pissed.


We head back to our comrades and find a place to camp for the night. After dinner, I notice Sesshomaru has wandered off, so I leave Karina with Shinobu, Rin and Jaken and go follow my fiancé.

I find him a little ways away where the others couldn't see him, looking lost in thought.

"Are you okay, Sesshy-kun?" I ask as I step up beside him. He simply grunts a little in response. "You're upset that Moryomaru got away, aren't you?" Still no response. I gently cup his left cheek and turn Sesshomaru's head towards me.

My thumb lightly brushes over one of the magenta lines on his cheek, and I see his golden orbs soften, though slightly. I lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek. I pull back and see he appears a little more relaxed.

I go to kiss Sesshomaru's cueek again but he gently grips my chin and directs my lips to his. I was a little surprised at first but then melt into the kiss.

Sesshomaru tugs me forward in order to deepen the kiss. The white haired demon tugs me closer against him and I brace my hands on his chest. Our lips dance across each other for a few minutes before Sesshomaru trails kisses over my jaw and down my neck. I feel myself smiling at the contact.

I turn to allow him more access. I feel Sesshomaru scraping his canines against the sensitive spot on my neck, where my shoulder connects to it. My eyes roll a little at the contact, even when Sesshomaru sneaks a hand along my left inner thigh, gently rubbing it.


My companions and I were trace poing when we hear the sounds of fighting up ahead. I hurry along with Sesshomaru and unsheathe my twin katanas. I see Kohaku on the ground, bound by snakes, and before him, that same demon from the other day that was watching Moryomaru.

 I see Kohaku on the ground, bound by snakes, and before him, that same demon from the other day that was watching Moryomaru

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He lands in front of Kohaku and says, "This is pointless, Kohaku." He approaches the boy as Kohaku sits up, breathing heavily. "Remember, you belong to Naraku." I feel worry when Kohaku suddenly collapses face first. "The venom in those snakes is miasma. I have to make sure I sufficiently contaminate your shard before I take you to Naraku." The demon kneels before Kohaku and goes to retrieve the shard. Before I could attack him, Sesshomaru beats me to it with a slash of Tensaiga. The demon dodges a portal by leaping back with a gasp. "I see your methods haven't changed. Sesshomaru-sama, Sakura-sama, what brings you here?"

Sesshomaru tells him, "Moryomaru's scent has disappeared. I presume he was eaten by Naraku?"

"So, you have come to save Kohaku, have you? It seems a bit out of character."

Brandishing Tensaiga, the dog demon simply answers, "I noticed your foul smell and I came to get rid of it. And here you are."

The blue eyed demon says as he holds up a mini origami crane, "I hate to disappoint," With a swirl of wi d, the crane becomes big enough for him to ride on in the air, hands tucked into his sleeves, "but I must take my leave. Perhaps next time you'll be so kind as to announce yourself."

Jaken, Shinobu and Rin come out of the bushes with Karina who meows worriedly as the brown haired girl gasps worriedly, reaching out a hand to the unconscious boy, "Kohaku!"

Jaken, Shinobu and Rin come out of the bushes with Karina who meows worriedly as the brown haired girl gasps worriedly, reaching out a hand to the unconscious boy, "Kohaku!"

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I cut in sharply, causing her to freeze, "The snakes are poisonous. Don't touch them."

"Okay, but..." Shinobu begins with a weary glance to Jaken.

Rin finishes, "... what if you've already been bitten?"

Sesshomaru and I turn our heads to look over our shoulders and I sheathe my swords before I face palm. The imp has a snake latching onto his left arm, hissing venomously.

Jaken whimpers, "Please help me, Sakura-sama, Sesshomaru-sama! This beast doesn't want to let go!"

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Jaken whimpers, "Please help me, Sakura-sama, Sesshomaru-sama! This beast doesn't want to let go!"


It was sunset after I'd purified the miasma from Kohaku when I go with Sesshomaru to stand beside him looking out at the sunset.

I turn at a commotion from my spot beside Sesshomaru, the dog demon still gazing ahead as Rin calls worriedly, "Come back, Kohaku! You're not supposed to move!"

"I must return! Kikyo-sama's in danger," The brown haired boy responds. I feel worry at the sight of him on his feet. I thought I told him to rest?! Rin and Shinobu run up to him. "I have to go and find her."

Rin stops behind Kohaku and places her hand on his back comfortingly. She pulls back and they all turn when Jaken says calmly, before bursting out, waving his staff around for emphasis, "Just to be clear... don't expect Sakura-sama and Sesshomaru-sama to bring you along with us!!"

Shinobu inquires, "Couldn't we at least ask them?"

Sesshomaru cuts in, "The scent in the wind has changed."

"Huh?" Rin utters as they look towards us.

Kohaku inquires, "Does that means that something has happened to Kikyo-sama?"

Sesshomaru turns his head as he replies, "It's too late."

I feel my gaze soften, knowing he means Kikyo is dead.

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