Start from the beginning

"Please, I can do so much better. Watch me." Olivia moved closer to Alex, practically almost sitting on his lap. "ugh your hair is amazing and soft...you're so hot." Olivia ran her hand through Alex's hair, and gently smoothing her finger on his cheek, smirking at him. The boy's face was super red as he stared at her and gulped.

"Livi, you didn't tell me you could flirt!" Lydia said, looking at her impressed as she smiled confidently.

"I mean what can i say? I'm the master at flirting." The redhead smiled, flipping her hair back.

"Will you two stop flirting with each other? It's beyond creepy!" Elena exclaimed. The door suddenly opened revealing Penelope.

"Oh, Welcome home! We are flirting! Que fun."Lydia said.

"Ma when are you not flirting? Are you doing your famous.." Penelope then imitated Lydia's laugh causing the others to laugh.

Alex leaned over Olivia, his breath on her cheek, "you know you should really flirt with me more." He joked. She rolled her eyes and pushed him away slightly, chuckling.

"Classic. That's how I get pork loin at half price." Lydia said.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"Elena has a crush." Lydia replied. Elena huffed before trying to escape to her room but Penelope pulled her back.

"A crush? Uh-uh, no. I don't need to remind you that while you're in school, there is no time for dating." Penelope said sternly.

"Lupe, don't crush her crush." Lydia pouted.

"You're the one who taught me this. You and papi constantly made me focus on school. And I hated it too, but it ended up being a good thing. And now I pass the annoyance on to you. Elena I'm sorry, but you can't date." Penelope said.

"Fine, can we be done now?" Elena sighed, trying to go back to her room but she was pulled back once again.

"Look, people get crushes. Maybe you see this person and instantly you knees get weak and your brain starts to melt, and you think maybe I'm not dead inside. Why did I wear granny panties today? You can't think of anything else because you want them so much." Penelope explained.

Olivia glanced at Alex, knowing that she felt the exact same way about whatever Penelope said. When she was 'flirting' with Alex, she couldn't help but notice how cute he looked up close, she wished that he would feel the same way about her too, but what she didn't know was he do but they were too scared to confess.

Alex and Olivia quickly glanced at each other before turning back to Penelope.

"Well too bad! We shut that crush down! Because we don't let anything get in the way of our education. Even maldito crystal blue eyes!" Penelope exclaimed.

"I don't think this is about Elena anymore." Olivia whispered to her best friend as he nodded.

"Oh you are so strict. And very specific." Lydia said whilst everyone else nodded along with her.

"I don't care. School comes first, dating comes never."

"Okay, whatever!" Elena groaned, walking away to her room.

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