"He's right, you know. You're family, just like the bots are." Dani commented, looking at her.

"Even if you are the annoying sister." Kade exclaimed as he grabbed her head and started rubbing her hair pretty hard. Julie raised her hands up to try to push Kade away, but it was no use as he held her firmly in his grip. Julie felt a sneeze coming on, but Kade quickly covered her nose with his hand, stopping her from sneezing, but at the same time surprising her with such an act.

"I...I thought...you hated me, Kade." Julie mumbled as she finally managed to pull herself out of his grip.

"I hate you hogging the attention, but I don't hate you. You're just annoying." Kade grumbled as everyone was looking at him.

Julie smiled as she looked at them, not expecting them to treat her in such a way. It left a very warm feeling in her as she looked at them.

"Come on, gang, let's gather everything Julie needs to help her get better." Chief Burns spoke up, getting their attention. "I'm sure you want to rest down here rather than the guest room."

Julie smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I enjoy being with the bots, if Heatwave is cool with that. I like being around the bots, like Dani said, they're family, but I believe certain Burns are growing on me too." Before she knew it, she sneezed again, this time finding herself in arctic cold waters. Swimming out of the water, she pulled herself up onto some ice and saw penguins on land nearby. "Are you freaking kidding me?" Julie cried out. Opening another portal, she went right back into the firehouse, dripping wet and her hair was covered in ice.

"Where did you go, the Arctic?" Kade asked, bursting into laughter at how her hair looked.

"No, the Ant-arctic." Julie mumbled, "How do I know? I saw penguins. Ratchet would murder me if he knew about my conditions I am in." Running in, Cody came into the room, shortly followed by Graham, but the second they saw her they both bursted into laughter.

"Uh, I'm not sure all that water and ice is going to help you feel better, Clara." Graham mumbled as he looked at her. "Maybe a warm bath would be a better idea."

"A bath? What's a bath?" Julie asked, looking at them. Julie felt another sneeze about to come on, but to her surprise Heatwave quickly grabbed her, and as she sneezed, she found that time she didn't teleport anywhere, nor did she send the two of them flying.

"Hey, what did you do Heatwave?" Cody asked, looking up at him.

"I just didn't want her to disappear again. I didn't think it would work though." Heatwave replied as he held her firmly in his servo. Not to where he was crushing her, but she wasn't able to climb out of his grip. Julie sat there and bit her lip as she felt the tickle continue, before she sat there sneezing more than once while sitting in his hand, but none of those times did she find herself teleported to somewhere else. It wasn't until she stopped sneezing, did Heatwave finally relax his strong grip on her.

Julie found herself sitting on his servo where if she did sneeze, he could instantly clench his digits around her to hold her back from disappearing. With a thick blanket around her, she sat with a bowl of what the humans called soup in his hands, while she sat there silently eating it, the other bots in the room sat away from Heatwave, watching without saying a word, knowing full well that Heatwave would retaliate if they said anything about him being sweet and nice to her, and personally Julie found herself enjoying it. It was weird, finding both Kade and Heatwave being so polite and decent.

Feeling the want to sleep, I looked up to notice that Heatwave was in deep recharge while he was holding me. I for some reason wanted to cuddle against him, but the urge was so strange to me, yet I wanted to listen to it all the same. Looking over at the other bots, I noticed they were all fast asleep in their altmodes, so I gently grabbed the bowl and with heavy focus, had it fly across the room and sit on top of a small table in the hanger. Once it was set down, I had the large blanket fold up in the air and land on the floor nearby, before I gently climbed out of Heatwave's servo. Easily teleporting onto the floor next to him, where upon instinct, I shifted into a large feline, I was about half the size of Heatwave, but was still much bigger than his own servo as I slowly crawled over towards him and layed down, with my body tucked underneath one of his arms and my head resting on his chassis.

Feeling him twitch, I gently looked up and sighed in relief as I realized he was still fast asleep, so I lifted one paw up and had it lay across his lap and had my leg lay gently on top of him,

Chief Burns decided after supper that they would all go back down to the hanger to check on Clara to make sure that she was doing okay and hopefully feeling better. Silently riding down the elevator to the hanger, the second the elevator doors opened they all gasped as they saw a large leopard tucked into Heatwave, fast asleep. Heatwave was also in fast recharge.

"Oh, I gotta take a pic." Dani mumbled as she quietly ran over to her locker and pulled out her camera.

"What about Heatwave? Is he gonna yell at her?" Cody asked.

"I don't know, but I know I am gonna blackmail him later when I get the chance." Kade mumbled. "Who knew the big guy had a heart?"

"Kade, not now. What matters is that she is fast asleep and is recovering. I truly hope that Francine keeps her promise. We don't need Griffin Rock getting the bad idea about Clara."

"What about Clara?" Someone asked, startling them as they saw Blades, Boulder, and Chase shifting into their robot modes.

"Oh, how cute." Blades cried as they looked over to see Heatwave was asleep with Clara. It looked in a way like Clara was hugging him with how her paw and head were on him, while she laid there her tail curled up and tucked against her.

"How very illogical." Chase commented. Followed by Heatwave groaning, before he started to shift.

"Clara looks like a giant teddy bear against him, or in this case a giant feline." Graham commented. "It's kinda sweet." At that comment Heatwave instantly opened his eyes, and started to look around him, startled to find Clara asleep on top of him.

"What..." Heatwave started to yell out, but Chief Burns instantly shushed him followed by the rest of his family.

"Enough, she needs to sleep. If she is going to recover quickly, she needs as much sleep as she can get." Chief explained.

"I don't like cuddles." Heatwave groaned. "Why couldn't she have just fallen asleep in my servo or on the floor?"

"Well, clearly she is happy. It's actually normal in humans to cuddle when they are asleep. It boosts their immune system and helps them to get better faster." Graham commented.

"She's been through a lot, Heatwave. Let her sleep. I am sure she misses Optimus and the others she has spoken of. The fact she fell asleep on you is a form of trust. You should take pride in that. Come on gang, let's go back upstairs and call it a night." Just as he said that, they heard the sound of Clara sneezing as she sat there lifted her head up briefly, sneezing for a moment, before she relaxed back onto Heatwave, burying herself onto his chest. Chief smiled as he turned and directed his kids back to the elevator, while the other three bots went back to where they were asleep earlier, shifting into their vehicle modes. As Chief Burns was about to walk back into the elevator, he turned slightly to see Heatwave looking down at Clara and stroking her with his hand gently as the girl slept. He smiled as he turned and went ahead and entered the elevator, the doors closing behind him. 

Forever In Strife : Transformers Rescue BotsWhere stories live. Discover now