Chapter II

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Satisfied with how far in the tunnel she was, she set her clothes down, easily able to see in the dark what was around her, as she saw the tons of rock surrounding her, she set her bags down, before pulling out a pair of clothes she wanted to wear. Because she was new to the town, she decided to wear one of her black shirts with the blue hoodie and the pink streaked athletic pants, taking off her previous, leafy outfit, feeling it disappear from existence, as it was put into a small realm of her own creation where she had kept her wings when she didn't use them. She placed the outfit in the realm, before setting the remaining clothing she wouldn't need inside as well.

Changing into her outfit, with the black shoes and socks on to her distaste, along with the gloves, she felt comfortable enough to go out into the town, but she still felt herself missing the feeling of natural materials on her in place of this human processed clothing, yet she had to fit in, and perhaps with this new form of clothing, it would also make it less as likely that MECH and the military would look for her here, not that she saw any sign of either on this island. It seemed as though this island was of its own means of a government, yet they still had police here.

Walking out of the tunnel in her new clothes, she recognized it to be about midday based on the position of the sun above her as she looked at the sky. Taking in a deep breath, her canteens and her bag at her side, she walked back to the road where she would head back to the town. Going through the many tall trees, and through the wild grasses, it felt wonderful to be in nature as she walked through it, perhaps the tunnels would be where she would claim shelter and maybe even, home.

Entering the town, she recognized how it seemed to be quiet and lacking any sign of people, as she walked down the street. Listening to her instinct, she turned down another road, approaching a town park, as she saw several people gathered in front of a stage. Looking around at the area, she also saw a little boy, perhaps 8, maybe 10 locking up his bicycle. He wore a brown jacket and had short blond hair. Along with brown eyes, and white skin. He had a pair of brown boots on and some brown jeans, as she examined him.

Instinctively, she could sense already that this boy was important for her mission, but who was he and what did she have to do to help him. The kid walked over to where a girl was calling him over, addressing him by the name Cody, as the girl had black, frilly hair. She had brown skin, a blue dress shirt that was at least two inches away from the knee. She had an orange jacket over the dress, and long socks that went up past the ankles, about halfway up the calves.

Hearing someone coughing to get everyone's attention, she went to where she could see clearly, but was still a good distance away from everyone, her hood up over her head, as she saw the same officer from earlier standing on top of the stage. Looking back at where the kids were, they had disappeared from view in the crowd of people, leaving her no choice, but to listen in to what was going on.

"Thank you for coming folks. Our town has a long history of being on the cutting edge of new technology. Now, thanks to our friends in Washington, I give you the latest in emergency response, the Rescue Bots." The officer cried, as he held his hand out behind him to the space on the stage behind him.

Rising up onto the stage from below, she saw four vehicles come into view, a fire truck, a bulldozer, a police car, and a helicopter.

"Robots, transform."

Immediately all four vehicles started to shift into none other than four cybertronians standing before her very eyes. She recognized the symbol on their armor. The same symbol that Team Prime wore, and the team in the other word had on their frames. The shape of bright red faces on the chassis of all four bots, along with a small frame circling around the face, was a little different from the symbol she had seen before, but the red silhouette for a face was the exact same. At least they were Autobots and not Decepticons, boy does that sound familiar as she thought about it in her head when she first met the crew in the other world. For now she decided she will call it the Magnus Universe, seeing as unlike the other worlds she has been to, the Magnus was over the Prime, which she found to be pretty interesting. Whereas she will continue to call her home group Team Prime, but this group, deciding to reuse the name the officer gave them, will call them the Rescue Bots.

Forever In Strife : Transformers Rescue BotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ