Chapter IV

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Walking down the street, in her blue hoodie and wearing her blue streaked pants, she sighed, as it had been just a couple of hours ago that she left both bots and humans standing, because she was nervous about blowing her own cover, and at the same time, there was a small part of her unsure just yet about a new team. If she ended up working with the Rescue team, she risked getting herself comfortable, to the point she might end up giving herself away. At the same time she wasn't quite yet ready to meet Optimus Prime for the first time, again, except in a much more different situation.

Looking up in midsteps, she heard the sound of something rushing toward the area she was in, as she looked around to find an old man who was trimming his bush. "Move out of the way, old man." She yelled, as she ran forward and backflipped, landing on the back end of a large machine. This machine was rushing forwards along the street, as it had similar bulldozer wheels, and on the front end it had a whole bunch of sharp, spinning blades. Jumping onto the machine, she held firmly onto it as she tried to find some way to stop it, as it went down the road, breaking through a brick wall in the process, just as she heard the siren of a police car behind her. Turning around, she saw Chase with Chief Burns riding inside, riding in high pursuit after her and the machine. Running down the street, the machine raised the arms, holding the blades up high, cutting nearby light poles in half, sending the top halves flying in random directions.

Seeing an alley up ahead, she held onto the machine, as she leaned to the side, tilting the machine enough to end up turning into it. Chief Burns and Chase not far behind her, as they drove into the alley. The machine stopped right next to a commercial trash bin, as she managed to find a wire with her ninja star, pulling at the wire before ripping it with ease. Looking up, she saw Chief Burns and Chase drive past them, farther into the alley, just as the machine started up again, heading straight for the bots,

"Chase, Chief, get back." Julie cried as she jumped forward, grabbing the arms of the blades, as she placed her feet on the front of the machine, while her servos held firmly to the machine's arms, trying to tear them, bend them, or just about anything in order to break the machine with her strength. Holding onto the machine, Chase transformed with the Chief still inside, surprising her when she looked up to see him leaping over her and the machine, landing behind them, but what surprised her the most was how they had a window on the front of the chassis, revealing Chief Burns watching what was going on from within Chase's hubspace. Where did the bot keep his spark, if he had a small cabin in his chest, where a spark normally should have been?" Julie jumped off the machine, breaking an arm off the machine, as Chase stepped on the back end, causing the machine to lift up like you would if you stepped on a rake. Grabbing the broken machine, he tossed the machine to the side, into the large trash bin, the lid closing right behind it as smoke came out of the bin, through the small crack between the lid and the bin.

"And you will not be compensated for any damages." Chase cried, pointing at the bin where the machine was, confusing Julie as she looked at him.

"What damage did I cause exactly? I was trying to stop the machine." She asked, looking up at the bot, as the sound of a helicopter was heard above, shortly followed by Boulder and Heatwave with their own partners on the other end of the alley.

"We missed it, didn't we?" The pilot woman asked, looking down at them from the roof. As she examined the girl, she was able to figure out that her name was Dani, while Chase transformed back into his alt mode, letting Chief Burns out.

"What kept you all? Clara is starting to be more reliable than you." The Chief cried as he looked at his kids.

"Our rides wouldn't let us drive. They're slowing us down." Kade cried from within Heatwave's altmode.

"At least they are willing to give you a ride." Julie retorted looking up to see Heatwave transform into his bipedal mode, startling Kade as he ended up face flat against the windshield, or window on the bot's chassis.

"Fast enough for ya?" Heatwave asked, as the boy started freaking out.

"Let me out. I'm gonna hurl." Kade cried, as Heatwave looked down at Chief Burns, who appeared to be right next to her with his arms crossed over his chassis. Heatwave transformed back into his alt mode, opening his passenger door to let poor Kade out, who was readjusting his firefighter helmet. "Never Again."

"Look, I know we're all adjusting to being a team, learning about each other, but it will go a lot smoother if we work together." Chief Burns spoke up, trying to cheer up the grumpy Kade.

"I signed up to rescue people, not make nice with machines." Kade cried, before the boy started to walk away, but she quickly intervened as she got in front of him, stopping him in his steps.

"Kade, you will never know what the value of a real team is, if you never give it a chance. It is normal for things to change, but eventually you learn a new normal and get used to it." Julie spoke, looking at him.

"What would you know? Mrs. I prefer to live outside the town, and away from people." Kade cried, glaring at her.

"I happen to know a lot more than you. I lost everyone who I called family from my childhood at a very young age, but what kept me going was when I helped two different teams rescue people in different areas of the world. I may choose to live out in the woods, but that doesn't mean I don't cherish the concept of a team, which can in turn become a family."

"Oh yeah, what did you rescue, bunny rabbits? Chipmunks? Oh, I know, little turtles." Kade cried out, making her look like a fool. "Stay the heck away from me, and leave me and my family alone. You're not a hero, you never will be."

"Very well, Kade Burns." Julie mumbled, as she turned and walked away, leaving all of them behind, determined to go back to her cliff, where she could take cover in the tunnels, away from people and listening ears.

"Clara wait..." Chief Burns cried out as she started to walk away. Standing there in midstep, she felt tears start to fall down her face, as she gave a side glance, allowing him to see her face, along with a few of the others.

"I need you guys to leave me alone, I'm sorry." Julie spoke, as she turned and continued to walk away, leaving them behind.

Walking through the woods to her cliff, she sat down as she looked out at the town below her. Kade had a point when he confronted her, but it only reminded her of how much she was starting to dislike being alone. She was missing Sari, along with the other kids, Miko, Jack and Raf. She missed Team Magnus and Team Prime.

Sitting on the cliff, she recollected how she met Optimus from Team Prime, how this all ended up starting. She couldn't remember how she had escaped, but she did remember how she was standing outside of the base, unknowably to her at the time, as she was surrounded by the Mech agents, before she found Optimus and his team rescuing her.

She did not know how she ended up finding them in that predicament, nor how she survived Mech, but it was by the will of God that it happened. It was thanks to Primus that she was able to escape and find a new meaning of her life.

Standing on the cliff, she smelled smoke, strong and clear as she looked up to see lava gushing up in the center of the town. How was she gonna rescue everyone without revealing her powers? The lava won't kill her, but it will give away that she wasn't human. 

Forever In Strife : Transformers Rescue BotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin