04 | death of a queen

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Namor rushed into the cell seeing both one of his people and Y/N on the floor bleeding out.

He immediately rushed over to both of them.

"Y/N" He sat beside her and grabbed the sides of her face.

"What happened my child?" He asked the lady who was desperately looking at him for help.

"The wakandians, they came for her" She struggled to speak.

Namor looked up from Y/N face and to the lady.

"K'uk'ulkan, Can you save me?" He cared about his people so incredibly much but he knew he couldn't save her.

He looked down at his wife hoping to still hear a heartbeat before placing a hand on her chest.

At first there was nothing.

No beating.


Then he checked her pulse.

It was weak but it was there.

"Attuma!" He called out as Attuma and his other guards rushed in.

"Get the healers" He said and picked Y/N off the floor.

Namor rushed Y/N to the cave and put her in the table as soon as the healers came in with their equipment.

"Do everything you can" He told them as they nodded and got to work.

Namor was angry.

This meant war.


Y/N slowly opened her eyes to the bright room.

"Oh good your awake" A voice said.

She lifted her head to see one of the healers.

"Don't get up" The healer said handing Y/N a cup of water.

"What happened?" Y/N asked not remembering anything.

She looked down at the cloth wrapped around her waist until everything came flooding back in.

"What happened to the other women?" She stood up slowly and immediately asked the healer.

"I'm sorry she did not make it" The healer faced her head down.

"Where's Namor?"

"I cant say" The healer replied.

"Where is he?" Y/N asked more sternly.

"He told me not to-" But the healer was cut off.

"I don't care what he said tell me where he is"

The healer looked up at Y/N and told her "He's at battle with the Wakandians"

At the moments Y/Ns eyes widened "No, no, no he's gonna get himself killed"

"Y/n shouldn't you be supporting him"

"No you don't understand these people are smart they have technology they have resources they have everything" She spoke in a fast pace.

"I need my sword" She spoke in a rush to the healer.

"But your wounded-"

"I need my sword I have to get him to back down"

"But he-" The healer was once again cut off.

"I don't care what he said I'm going out there" Y/N said walking up to her sword she had not used in a very long time.

Before she married Namor she was once one of the strongest warriors always training, always training others but when the time came for her to marry she didn't want to stop training but she had new duties to fulfill and so she backed down and let others take her place.

"Be careful" The healer said and moved to the side so Y/N could pass by.

"No promises"


Swimming up to the surface everything was destroyed their was water everywhere houses were destroyed, people bodies were scattered.

She walked out of the water as some of her soldiers who weren't fighting kneeled in front of her.

"Where's Namor" She asked one soldier.

She was mad. At Namor and at herself for not doing her best at convincing Namor to back down but this time she wasn't gonna have him just ignore her.

Hiiii so like it's been more than week I think and I'm sooooo sorry these chapters take forever school is kicking my ass rn but don't worry one more week till winter break for me which means I'm definitely gonna release more chapters soon

Also I'm so so sorry for this shitty and short chapter I just really wanted to get something out so ignore any shit writing because I promise you I will edit this later and make it better and hopefully longer.

Oh and thank you sooo much for over 10k reads!!

Published: 12/10/2022

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