02 | the scientist

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The next day Shuri and Okaye set out to find the scientist but what they didn't know was that the soldiers of Talokan were keeping a close eye on them.

"Surely they have the scientist by now" Namor said to his wife who was painting on the walls.

"It's been a day, be patient" She calmly said focused on painting straight lines.

"K'ul'ulkan" one of the soldiers walked in the cave.

Y/N put down her supplies and stood up in case they had more bad news to deliver.

"The princess has the scientist" The soldier announced.

Namor thought for a minute.

"Kill the scientist and hurt anyone who gets in your way" He said to the soldier. The soldier nodded and walked off with three soldiers following behind him.

"Are you sure this is the only way?" Y/N walked up to Namor.

"I am sure" He assured her before walking away.


Up in the surface land Okoye fought the three Talokanions as Attuma one of Talokans strongest soldiers walked around them to get the armor who he assumed had the scientist underneath.

Okoye who was fast enough to fight off the three soldiers immediately ran up to Attuma before he could do anything to the scientist and to the robot armor.

As they fought Attuma was able to beat Okaye and throw a water bomb on her causing her to get thrown back into the ocean.

"Wait!" Shuri walked up to the people.

"I am Shuri...the princess of Wakanda. I demand that you take me to Namor and to not bring harm to this girl" She begged.

The Talokanion soldiers spoke to each other in their language.

"Shall we take them both Alive?" Attuma asked another soldier.

"Yes Attuma" The women spoke as Attuma walked up to Shuri.

He took off his mask and carefully placed it on Shuris face.

Then it all went dark for Shuri.


Back in Talokan Attuma immediately went to Namor and Y/N and told them about the demand the Princess made.

"So they are both here?" Y/N asked Attuma.

"Yes" He bowed his head lightly.

"Take me to them" She said the soldier who nodded his head and started leading her way.

Before she could leave Namor gently took ahold of her arm.

"Are you sure? What if something happens?" He asked her.

"Nothing will happen but if something were to I know how to defend myself" She said and took his hand off her arm.

She followed the Attuma to the cell where the princess and scientist were.

They both immediately stood up as Y/N approached them.

"Thank you Attuma you can go back to your business now" She gave Attuma a soft look as he lightly bowed his head.

As she walked closer to them a women also approached them and spoke in her language "Princesses here royalty wears traditional clothing, We made this for you "

"Do you understand her?" The younger women who Y/N assumed was the scientist said.

"She said Here royalty wears traditional clothing" Y/N spoke and grabbed the clothes off of the women's arms.

"They made this for you" She handed it to Shuri who hesitantly looked at her.

"Please, its the least we could do" Y/N said as Shuri took the clothes from Y/Ns hands.

"Who are you?" Shuri asked her.

"I am Y/N" She reached her hand out to Shuri and lightly bowed her head.

Shuri was confused by this but grabbed her hand nonetheless and shook it.

"Here royalty bows to one another as a sign of respect" She paused for a minute.

"or at least I do" She lightly chuckled.

"So your their queen?" The younger girl asked.

"Well we don't like to use titles such as queen or king here but yes suppose I am" She gave them a light smile.

"So your the wife Namor was speaking about?" Shuri asked.

"Yes he does like to mention me when he's giving his threatening speeches" She gave a sincere look to them.

"I'm truly sorry about all of this I'm not one for fights or wars but Namors stubborn" She said to them.

"Yes I am well aware of that" Shuri said raising her eyebrows and giving a light smile.

"Let's get you changed into your clothing come with me please" She gave her one last look before turning around and leading Shuri into a private room to get changed.

After Shuri was changed a soldier accompanied Y/N and Shuri to the cave where Namor would be.

"Ah Y/N my love and princess please come in" Namor said and stood up from his seat.

"I have some stuff to attend do, some soldiers to train please be nice" Y/N said giving a look to Namor before walking off.


After Y/N left Namor continued his conversation with Shuri.

"It's beautiful" Shuri said looking at Namors mothers bracelet.

"It belonged to my mother" He said picking the bracelet up and placing it on Shuris hands.

"She had a ring too but it belongs to my wife" He gave her a light smile.

"She seems kind" She looked up at Namor.

"She is, it's one of many reason why I fell in love with her" He said.

Shuri looked back at the necklace.

"These are all meso American artifacts mostly from the 16th century, Have you been alive since then?" She asked him.

Namor just gave her a Look instead of responding.

"Your mother was human" Shuri spoke.

"She was, then she become something else" He told her.

"How?" She asked

"How? How is never as important as why"

Sorry for this cliffhanger and semi short chapter like I promised their will be longer ones in the future but yeah see you in the next chapter! Also thank you so much for over 2K reads!!

Last thing I'm sorry this is sorta boring I promise it will get more interesting from here!
Published: 11/20/2022

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