Wukong went to Y/N hearing the other two in the river splashing each other "Y/N?" Wukong looked at her "do you want to go in?" Y/N glared at him "Pervert" Y/N told the monkey making him startled "P-pervert me? No!" Sun tried to explain that he thought she wanted to bath too but Y/N then interrupted him telling him "Mother always told me girls go in a separate bath and boys go into another separate one" Y/N embarrassed a bit blushed lightly by her statement.

Wukong chuckled "fine but I'm going in I be out soon" he kissed her check the only kiss they really shared together and went off to the river, Y/N smiled lightly touching the place he kissed her at blushing like a rose.

After they were done Wujing asked were lady Y/N was and decided to check on her "Lady Y/N the rivers fine for you to take you're bath in all of us are done we will leave to get you comfortable enough" Wujing said as he was on the other side of the rock Y/N was at "Alright Wujing I'll see you guys in a bit" she shooed him of with her hand waving to leave before he bowed and started to walk Wukong dragged Wujing by his ear pissed and left.

Y/N was alone finally taking a bath in the river she took of her clothes placing them in a nice and neat pile on a rock strolling to the river.

Meanwhile with the boys...

Wukong started to hit Wujing head with a stick "HOW DARE YOU! Seeing Y/N in a vulnerable state to talk to her and make her take a bath!" Wujing tried to escape but Wukong stoped him Pigsy giving up trying to break the fight "guys just stop Y/N probably can hear you're mocking tones and is probably already sick and tired of us fighting already!" Pigsy said before flopping to the grass.

Vital Spirit sat on a rock seeing the mess of there arguing doing before going to see Y/N "I-I'm sorry big brother! Great sage! I just wanted to make sure she was ok-!" "THATS MY JOB!" Wukong banged his head with the stick one last time before he grunted walking away he sat on the ledge they were on seeing if they could see Y/N (thankfully not).

And decided to walk away from the beat up Wujing and the tried pigsy.

Wukong went to check on Y/N but saw her sitting on a rock in the middle of the river tampering her hair with the water vital spirit talking with her as she did this, Y/N looked to her side view seeing the monkey in aw of her figure she blushing getting of hiding behind the rock.

Wukong saw this chuckled before rubbing the back of his neck getting his clothes of and jumping in too he swam to were Y/N was seeing her think the monkey was still at the shore he surprised attacked Y/N grabbing her waist and pulling her in, "AH!- oh Sun!" Y/N calmed down placing her head on his chest as vital spirit saw the scene it couldn't help but giggle.

Wukong told the little spirit to go and check up on the two beat up demons and so it jumped into the air and left the tow completely alone.

Y/N looked up at Wukong as they both looked at each other lovely Y/N with blush on her checks "remember what I said Wukong" Y/N told the monkey "Ya, ya girls in separate baths than boys" Y/N giggled as he sarcastically waved his hand around mocking her voice as she said it.

They both looked at each other quietly after then all suddenly sun broke the silence kissing the goddess "MM!" Y/N mumbled breaking kiss a string of saliva followed, "W-what are you doing?" Y/N asked "Kissing you what does it look like" Wukong replied kissing her neck then making Y/N squeal moaning a quiet moan.

"W-we shouldn't be doing T-this.." Y/N said b3fore gasping as Wukong touched her flower barley grazing it..

"Shut it"

Wukong began to make out on Y/N's neck his leg grazing her flower more times then one letting the girl gasps moans in the process as the minutes grew into an hour of him tasting her on her neck and biting her sensitive spot abusing it they heard pigsy yell "LADY Y/N! BIG BROTHER!" "Shit forgot the time.." Wukong began to hide Y/N in his arms not daring to get his brothers a veiw of his glory.

"MAYBE THEY RAN OFF! OH WUJING WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE SO DUMB WITH THE GODDESS?!" "I-I WASNT AT LE-LEAST I DONT THINK S-SO.." Pigsy yelled back a couple of times at Wujing making Y/N giggle while chuckling but Wukong hushed her by covering her mouth "UGHH! FINE LETS GO CHECK OVER THERE MAYBE THEY SWAM FARTHER! COME ON!"

After a moment the two were alone again "There gone come on!" Wukong with Y/N in his arms hide them selves near a rock swiftly getting there cloths Y/N dared not to look down at Sun's already harden cock as they were making out her neck as Wukong saw all bruised her soft spot taking most of the beating.

As they both got dressed Wukong was done so was Y/N they went to the camp sight seeing Vital Spirit asleep before Y/N could react or say anything Wukong kissed her one last time before walking smirking to see the view, blushing already so much from the heated make out earlier looked at the sunset with him her head on her chest and herself on his lap....

This lasted for almost an hour

"BIG BROTHER!" Pigsy yelled out



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