"What about 'Unholy'?" Jake suggested. "It's one everyone will recognize, it's an epic song, and―well, it's kind of a play on our vampirism, isn't it?"

Andy considered that, then chuckled softly. "You know, it is. Unholy creatures of the night and all that. The lyrics maybe not so much, but they fit with the theme of 'Coffin', too."

"I'm all for it," CC said. "Like Jake said, it's an epic song―and you've got a point about the similarity to 'Coffin'."

"I'm good with it, too," Jinxx agreed. "Especially if we're going for the similar-message route. Besides, 'Unholy' has a lot of cool guitar tricks that I wouldn't mind trying."

"Well, you know I'm okay with anything KISS," Andy said. "And since this seems to fit us really well, it's even better. Good idea, Jake."

Jake smiled and stole another kiss from the singer's willing lips.

"So then what else do we do?" Jinxx asked. "Two songs is still not an EP."

They fell to contemplation again. Jake ran through some of his favorite songs in his head, trying to decide what would make a good cover song; everything he thought of seemed wrong, somehow, though Jake couldn't for the life of him explain that sense. 'Of Wolf and Man'...no, not Metallica, not when the song's about a werewolf...'Buried Alive'―no, not Avenged either, besides that one's pretty recent still, I'm not sure how they'd feel about us doing a cover...fuck, what else?...maybe something Pantera...?

"What about 'Walk' by Pantera?" Jake suggested. "It's got a similar message."

Andy frowned, considering. "I never got into Pantera as much. What's it sound like?"

Jake pulled up YouTube on his phone and did a quick search for the song; he found a video and hit play, and they all listened, trying to discern if it was a good one to cover.

"I don't know, man," CC said when the song had finished. "Don't get me wrong, I love Pantera, but it just...doesn't really have the right feel, y'know?"

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to agree with Ceese on this one, Jake," Andy said. "It's just...missing something."

Jake shrugged. "Just a suggestion."

And silence fell again as they continued to think.

Jake once more ran through bands and songs, trying to figure out a good one. Mötley, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Alice Cooper, System of a Down...nothing, nothing, nothing...

"Hey," CC said slowly. "This is gonna sound strange, but...what about, like, a Billy Idol song? It's way different than what we do, and it might be fun doing something like that."

"I don't know..." Jinxx said hesitantly. "Weren't we sort of going for a similar-lyrics theme?"

"Not necessarily," Jake said. "Though I do think Billy Idol's definitely way more, um, controverial in the lyrics department."

"No, Ceese has a point," Andy mused. "It's certainly a different style―well, so is KISS, but Billy Idol's another thing entirely, especially lyrically, like you guys said. It might be fun. It's been a while since I've listened to Billy Idol, though."

"Well, it's not a problem to go through some of the hits and see if we can find one we like, is it?" Jake said.

The others all shook their heads, and Jake returned his attention to YouTube. "Then let's do some searching."

They only got a few videos in, all of them somewhat unimpressive from a cover standpoint, before Andy's phone rang. Frowning, the younger vampire pulled it out, then exclaimed in surprise. "It's Pat!" he said. "I gotta go take this...I'll be right back."

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