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Deathbringer leaned forward, mischief in his eyes. "I believe," he said, " that you were the one who first kissed me." Glory's face burned. "You should know better than anyone what has to be done for the mission." Deathbringer's expression told her that he was not convinced. 


"Oh, look, the server's here. That was fast," she completely shifted the subject.

The server placed two glasses and a slice of key lime pie on their table and quickly leaned close to Glory.

"I shouldn't be doing this, but could I have your number?"

Glory almost laughed, but didn't want to seem impolite. "Uh-"

"I'm right here, you know," Deathbringer called from across from her.

The server whipped his head around to stare at him. Deathbringer didn't look protective or possessive, just vaguely amused.

The server was horrified, backing away and bowing his head. "I am so sorry, I thought- you two make a lovely couple. My apologies." Then he practically sprinted away.

Glory and Deathbringer observed the key lime pie for a few silent seconds before bursting into laughter.

"This does not look like chocolate lava cake," Glory said in between laughs.

"I guess you're more distracting than you thought," Deathbringer grinned.

The laughter died down when they finally realized that the key lime pie was actually pretty good. Neither of them were even concerned about poison since both of them were eating so well.

"We do make a pretty looking couple," Deathbringer pointed out, spearing a forkful of pie. "I'm just saying."

Glory chewed her bite of pie, thinking about it. His dark hair against her rainbow-streaked blonde-brown hair.....her green eyes with his midnight brown ones...

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. But before she could let out a sharp retort, she heard a voice calling out her name.

She turned her head and instantly regretted it.

The person who the voice belonged to was pretty and short, her bright blonde hair cut into a bob. Her gray-green eyes widened when she saw Deathbringer across from Glory.


One of the most influential figures and supporters of the Destiny Society. Also, one of Glory's closest friends.

And a notoriously horrible secret keeper.

Sunny walked up to them, piercing Deathbringer with a curious gaze.

"Hi, Susan," Glory greeted her, turning on a full smile.

"Sorry, I thought you were alone! Who's this?" Sunny asked, failing to hide her nervous expression. It was lucky for her that Deathbringer already knew her name was Glory, otherwise they could be in serious trouble.

Glory turned to Deathbringer, who ran his hand through his hair before hitting Sunny with an obnoxiously attractive grin. "I'm D.B."
Sunny turned her saucer-wide eyes to Glory, a silent message screaming: wait, is this Deathbringer? The guy you're ordered to kill, Deathbringer? That guy?

Glory let out a real-sounding fake laugh, for some reason not wanting Sunny to know the truth. "He's my ... boyfriend."

Sunny and Deathbringer both stared at her for a long, long, awkward moment before they both got themselves together.

Sunny squealed, but her eyes still gave away her suspicion. It was easy to read Sunny with her huge, emotional eyes. Probably why she came up with ideas and didn't do missions.

"Darlen Berkeley," Glory smiled. "The idiot keeps introducing himself with his initials, like he thinks it's cool or something."

Deathbringer shrugs, falling into the act easily. "You totally think it's cool."

Glory let her blush fill every corner of her face, when usually she would be fighting to squelch it. She didn't know how much was real, but it felt effortless.

Sunny looked slightly mollified but her smile was still a little manic-looking.

"Sorry, Darlen- have we met? You look so familiar," Sunny said, no doubt recalling the photos she'd seen of the infamous assassin. Her hand reached for Glory's shoulder, a sweep of a protective gesture.

Deathbringer gestured to his face. "One of those faces."

"Those mildly good looking but also very punchable faces," Glory added, knowing that if she became too sweet, Sunny could get even more suspicious.

"I keep telling her that she needs to stop with the compliments," Deathbringer sighed dramatically.

"We were just about to leave, actually," Glory ignored him, pinning her gaze on Sunny. "We need to get back home." She emphasized home, waiting for a reaction.

Sunny turned the red of a pomegranate, opened her mouth then settled for a bobbing nod. "I- You... you do that," she answered awkwardly. Her hand fell to her side.

It was too easy to fluster Sunny, to take her mind off of the current situation.

But Glory would be a fool to think Sunny stupid.

She had to make it believable.

Glory flashed a sweet half smile at Sunny, then stood up, placing a hand on Deathbringer's shoulder.

Deathbringer, not missing a beat, brushed his hand with hers and stood. "It was nice to meet you!" Deathbringer called to Sunny as they turned away.

"You too," they heard a flustered response. 

Kill (and kiss) ||   Glorybringer Human AuWhere stories live. Discover now