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Mother dearest. It's always the same thing every time she gets mad. I stand with my head low, ashamed of something I hadn't done and something she misunderstood. During that small period of time, she speaks as though she's the only one holding heavy weights. During those few minutes that she scolds me, I'm her therapist and I'm silent and obedient. "Go." She says. "I don't want to see your face," She says. And it is at that moment that I'm to promptly return to my wooden miniature desk in the furthest corner of the first floor and start working to make her proud. Right then, my ignorant father would walk the narrow corridor with his Kindle, ever so oblivious, even as a tear rolled down my cheek and my heart screamed from inside. It happens every single time.

I'd say that she was disappointed in me, because I wasn't as studious or perfect as some of the others at school. It never mattered to her, the awards and achievements I kept earning, only the ones that I didn't have and they did. I guess it's true what they say, Humans want what they don't have. I'm sure everyone has a problem with their mothers, or at least has some evil in their family. I think? I'm not exactly sure. See, I'm not the type of person to go watching people's families just as stalkers do. I'm certainly not that bad of a person. I don't know if my mother would believe that. It's most probably why I'm dropping out of school.

If you're wondering, I'm a nobody, at least that's what I'd like to believe. Fake it till you make it as they say, if anyone says that phrase anymore really. My mother always said she quoted it from Romeo and Juliet, and I quietly backed away, hoping her sanity was still intact. Then again, she was crazy about most things. Especially magic. Although she kept it tucked away and hidden, mother dearest would speak of magic often. I didn't know a whole lot about it, because she always spoke in silent grumbles of gibberish, but I'd picked up somehow that I was a devil of sorts. Of course not a devil like the ones with horns, actually never mind, I might have horns, it's yet to be decided. Just like those 8 extra hands that pop up from nowhere or the flames that burst out of my hands randomly, I've been seeing a, how should I put this, malfunction per say in my body. That was just one of the perks of that deal my mother made.

It's no surprise that my mother named me Kalki. Kalki, the last avatar of Vishnu, destined to destroy the world at its worst point, when it's ruled by cruelty and unjust. He's supposed to appear at the end of the Kali Yuga, which is around 400, 000 years from now. The aforementioned "deal" was really my mother's attempt to make me the avatar, so that I could destroy the "evil" world and be forever tied to magic for as long as I live. Obviously it didn't work, otherwise I wouldn't have wings burst out of my back at 2 am in the morning. Thanks to that, I had to leave school for the rest of the year, because no one could know that I was only partially human. My score would be dropping drastically. Not that it was my fault, it's not like I could do anything about it.

And even though I'm sure it was her fault for turning me like this, my mother never apologized. If anything, I think she's even more mad and disappointed in me. Apparently, the sage was world renowned for his magic skills even though I'd never heard of him and it was rather my fault for being the way I was as to why I had this phase brought upon me. It's so very distasteful, that sometimes I think about running away, just like my mother told me she would. Of course, my mother had expected that, afterall, she has the same mind as mine. Hence the ridiculously hot bodyguard. 

Hi yall! So I've decided that my first chapter was ready to bring into this story, but I'm still a bit unsatisfied with it. I'd appreciate some constructive feedback on this story and again, Thanks for Reading!



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