Chapter 7 Team Vali Meets the Z Fighters

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3rd POV

After spending a night in the wilderness in the new world Y/N Vali Kuroka Arthur Bikou and le Fay all stare up into the sky of their new home

"To think you've been spending your time here after what they did to you..." Vali says to Y/N

"Yeah well when a god and his angel gives you specific instructions to follow you kinda have to do what they tell you but I still can't believe the craziness of what happened last night" Y/N responds to Vali

"Seriously to think Saiyans can turn into a giant gorilla" Bikou says as he remembers the previous night

Flashback to Last night

After arriving at the wasteland and setting up camp for the evening the six chat amongst themselves

"So what have you learned so far while you was in this dimension Y/N?" Vali asks his friend

"Well not much really I recently unlocked my Ki which from what Goku and the others told me was two auras one shaped like a Oozaru or Great Ape and one shaped like a dragon" Y/N tells Vali

"You have access to Ki nya?" Kuroka asks Y/N

"Does she always say nya?" Y/N asks

"Unfortunately yes as she and her sister who you might know as Koneko are the last of their species which are known as Nekomata's" Arthur says to Y/N

"What's it like to be of a different race?" Le Fay asks Y/N

"Well not much the only problem I have to deal with now is my huge appetite and lust for battle now which kinda makes me another Vali just add wanting to eat alot of food on top of battling alot" Y/N says to Le Fay

"So is there any specific traits that the Saiyans have besides what you just said" Bikou asks Y/N

"Well there is a form I can transform into that requires my tail that you all see *moves tail around* but I sort of have no control over my actions and it requires me to look at the moon in the sky" Y/N responds to Bikou

"Like that one nya?" Kuroka says as she points towards moon in the sky

Upon looking at the moon Y/N begins to let out small growls before the growls get louder and louder

"What's going on?!" Le Fay shouts loudly

Y/Ns eyes suddenly turn red as his growls are now louder then before

Suddenly a wave a ki bursts from within Y/Ns body which forces vali and the rest back

Y/N then grows to the size of a giant with his body full of fur as he let's out a loud roar

Stomping around the area Y/N fires several beams of energy destroying several mountains

Vali and the others avoid the stomps and beams that Y/N is causing

"How do we stop him?!" Arthur Shouts as he avoids another attack

"I don't know!" Vali responds

Suddenly a voice is heard speaking to Vali Bikou Arthur Kuroka and Le Fay

"If you wish to survive the night then listen and listen well there are two ways to return your friend to normal. The first is cut off his tail and the second to destroy whatever he looked at that caused the transformation which in this case the moon" the voice tells the five

"So either Destroy the moon or cut off his tail" Vali says

"But how do we destroy the moon? I don't think any of us is capable of destroying it" Bikou says

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