Chapter 36: Heating up

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The quest for mayonnaise intensely continues.

Yet, no matter how you'd mince it, Subaru's efforts were in vain. Lots of eggs have been sacrificed on his side. Dozens, to say the least;

However, on Christophe's side, things haven't moved much. Frantically trying to make his brain operate, he tries to remember something.

Christophe: "Come on, I'm sure we're missing an ingredient!"

Subaru: "Damnit! It's not even close! How could this be?! The method should be about right... What am I lacking?! Damn. In my efforts to bring mayonnaise to another world, who would've thought that the world itself would rebel against me?! Hey, Chris, how's it going on your side- What the hell?!"

After lamenting, Subaru turns to his companion, checking his progress. Alas, Christophe hasn't made any.

Subaru: "How are you still with your first egg?! I thought you knew two recipes!"

Christophe: "Will you tone down already?! I'm trying to think! I'm sure we're missing one crucial ingredient!"

Also trying on their side, the twins have also tried to make some mayonnaise. Tasting her version, Rem puts on a slight grimace.

Rem: "The consistency and texture appear to be improving, but the taste is unacceptable. What does Nee-sama think?"

Ram: "Drizzle the cooking oil gradually over time, seasoning with solte and peppa to taste. Mixing looks to require quite a bit of patience, so Ram isn't suitable for it."

Taking a sneak peek at the twins's bowls as they whisks and chat, Subaru is shocked to see their result.

Subaru: "Wait, wait, wait, what?! I'm the one with actual experience with the stuff, so why do yours actually look like mayonnaise?!"

Looking towards the twin's bowls as well, Christophe looks at the texture of their mixture and nods.

Christophe: "Yeah, looks like it's really close. Especially Ram's. I don't know how you've mixed it, but it must have been really fast. Although yours is also very good Rem."

Giving Christophe a bright smile, Rem conveys the intention of receiving praise later on, which Christophe catches easily.

Ram: "This is the difference between those who cook and those who don't. A trifling lack of knowledge poses no problem at all to a seasoned veteran. Know your place Barusu."

Subaru:" You say that, but have I ever seen you make anything besides steamed tatoes?!"

Christophe: "Subaru, you better calm down."

Despite Subaru talking back like a sore loser, Ram remains unfazed.

While Subaru falls into despair seeing how far back he is, Rem puts on a smile and tries to cheer him up.

Rem: "It's okay. Subaru-kun should use the methods Subaru-kun believes in. Even if Rem views Subaru-kun's technique as irrational, and it seems illogical next to basic cooking theory, and honestly Rem does think Subaru-kun's cooking is inexcusable to the eggs. That's just how Subaru-kun lives his life."

Subaru: "So it's finally come, the unintended criticisms that stab like knives to the heart! And you even take a stab at my way of life?! I don't wanna be judged like this just for trying to make goddamn mayo-!"

While Subaru was yelling back at Rem, a big slam on one of the workplace is heard.

Christophe: "Now that does it! Subaru, you now shut your trap! I won't allow you to yell like that at Rem! And Rem, even if Subaru's lack of cooking skills annoys you, you don't have to hurt him more than he actually is! I'm getting sick of that childish quarrel! This is now getting ridiculous!"

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