chapter 19

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Edric POV

After Darius threatened me hunter turned around and asked what was going on

H-"what you guys talking about"

Darius looked at me and placed his hand on my shoulder and looked back to hunter

D-"nothing little price just getting to know edric here that's all"

He kept squeezing my shoulder when he was talking. Hunter just shrugged his shoulders and turned back around

'even though he is scary I'm glad to know hunter had some people taking care of him when he was stuck in the empores castle' I thought to myself before hunter announced we were back at the owl house we walked in and every one was at the owl house and all looked confused and shocked

Hunters POV

"Guys me and edric are back and we brought some friends of mine"

L-"Hunter get down!there coven heads!" Luz said getting a glyph ready

"Luz!calm down they good they took care of me when I was in the castle."
Luz still looked unsure so I countined
"You gotta trust me if it wasn't for them I would of bleeded out along time ago. They saved my life."
Luz put away they glygh and said
"I trust you" she said with I smile I then returned

R-"not that I wanna intrupt this seemingly sweet sibling moment there is a urgent reason why we decided to leave the coven and find you guys" Raine looked to Darius who countined
D-"the empore is still after hunter and a scout told him that he's seen hunter with the blight boy and now they want to capture him to use him against hunter"

Everyone in the room started to get concerned and quiet until someone spoke up

?-"well we can't let that happen can we?"


I wanted to thank you all so much for you Patience and support 💖
And I want to know do you want the ship
Darius x Raine
Raine x Eda?

Goldric//Edric X Hunterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें