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Martin had received the same disc and the same events happened 

he was in a dark room and he saw a red echidna in front of him with an unsettling smile

Martin: AH...

???: Martin.... it's me... Michael....

Martin: Michael? HOW?

Michael: Sarah...

Martin: you too huh?

Michael: yeah...

Martin: ugh... is getting a headache normal here

Michael: as normal as being a fat, bald, mustached doctor...

Martin: wha-

Michael: she's in control...  she is always... in control..

(3 weeks later...)



Luke: (sits down at an empty table)

Sarah: Hey Luke!

Luke: hey Sarah...

Sarah: Ok... what's going on...

Luke: nothing...

Sarah: C'mon, you now that I can tell when you're lying

Luke: ugh... fine... my foster parents are driving me crazy, and they kept me up last night to clean the whole house... by myself...

Sarah: oh... that's... wrong...

Luke: and because of that I wasn't able to study for the test

Sarah: well I'm sure it wasn't that bad

Luke: I got a D-

Sarah: oh...

Luke: now I'm gonna get yelled at for something that isn't my fault... (puts his head down on the table)

Sarah: well... it's only the 1st test of the quarter, I'll help you study for the next one!

Luke: Really?

Sarah: Of course! What are friends for?

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