Letting The Feelings In

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August 2029...(Scarlett's POV)

Me: "And you're okay with Jack?"
Cosmo: "We're fine Mom. Oh, and Emily has been here everyday this week. It's annoying. I'm outnumbered!"
Me: "You were always outnumbered. Anyway, I'll see you soon. Be good."
Cosmo: "Bye Mom."

I sigh and pull the house keys out of my jacket pocket, unlocking the door and dumping my shoes next to the stairs.

I sigh and pull the house keys out of my jacket pocket, unlocking the door and dumping my shoes next to the stairs

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Y/N's old cottage in Northumberland. It's still as cold as ever when you walk in here even in the summer, but the burning fire smell never really went away.

I dump the groceries on the counter top and start packing them away in the fridge, before throwing myself on the couch. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the psychology book I was reading when we last came here, and grab it from the bookcase. Inside, a lengthways folded up piece of paper acted as a bookmark, but as soon as I see the writing, I know it's from Y/N.

I carefully unfold the paper, it looks like it's been there for forever.

"My beautiful wife,

I hope this letter finds you well. I know you'll come back here when I'm gone, to try and get closer to me, only to realise that this place is just freezing all the time and nobody really gives a fuck about anyone.

I knew for longer than you did that I wasn't getting any better, I've known ever since the bomb in London. I'm sorry I hid that from you. Maybe it's selfish, but I thought that if I told you, the little hope you had of gaining my trust again would die out and you'd just stop, and it'd be you to finally walk away from me. I could never have wanted that.

There's so much I feel like I'm going to leave unsaid. I know eventually I'll lose my ability to speak, and my ability to walk. My will is shitty, but it's all left to you and the kids, of course it is. When they're ready, you make sure to tell them everything we went through. All the details, they deserve to know.

So, in the hope that you do find this when you come back, whenever that might be...please don't waste your life being upset about me being gone. After all, it was you that gave me purpose, you already had one, even before me. Do what you always wanted to do but weren't able to because of me. Go and skydive, although I'm jealous of whoever gets to jump with you, it should be me, and I'm sorry it's not. Go and see the world on your own. Go and watch the sunset on our balcony in LA one last time before you sell the house. Buy that house in Greece that you always dreamt of buying. Last of all, learn how to be you without me again.

I know you'll miss me, and I know the kids will be hurting. Don't let Rose ignore the situation, because I know she'll try and hide in her room. I never wanted it to end like this, and I'm terrified of the pain that I'm going to put you through when things start to go downhill. But be strong, you were always the strongest of us both. I know you can do it.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now