Kazu and Gray!!

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"So what did you do before this all started?" Asked Kazu. "I worked part-time at the amusement park." Gray answered. Kazu and Gray were sitting down in the mall, it was getting dark, and they had decided to just sit down and talk about life. "What about you?" Gray asked, looking up at Kazu. Kazu gave a nervous look. "Ehe.... I'm not sure I want to talk about that just yet.." He said, scratching his head. Gray took notice of Kazu's uneasiness and leaned onto his shoulder. "That's okay. You aren't obligated to tell me anything," he said, reassuring Kazu. Kazu then stared at Gray's head, and then leaned on it. “There’s ’s a lot I want to talk about, but I don’t know how to put it into words,” Kazu said softly. Gray grabbed his hand and looked up at Kazu. “It’ll be okay, we’ll make it through this mess,” Gray said while rubbing his thumb over Kazu’s hand. Kazu then squeezed his hand a little bit. He just looked...so sad.
“If i was able to turn back time, I would wish that I just made a run for it.. instead of staying with my old friends. But because of all of that, I met you and Ernesto.” he sighed. Gray noticed kazu staring blankly at his shoes, Gray got up, grabbed his face and turned it towards him. He then grabbed Kazu’s other hand and looked at him
Kazu, in shock, tilted his head a little. "Kazu, you know I love you, and whatever is bothering you, you know I'm here.” he then hugged Kazu. Kazu hugged him back. While they were having their little moment, the rest of the group appeared out of nowhere. "Why am I witnessing gay?" Shooki said with a giggle. Kazu’s head shot up like a deer in headlights. Gray then let go and walked away. “GRAY!- oh uh hey guys what are you doing here?” Kazu said, he then ran towards Gray and tried to pounce on him before falling face forwards on the ground. The group  began to giggle. “They are so in love guys,” Shooki said with a smug face.

Written by my friend Saicrose and I just edited it!! :)

☆Dawn of The Cursed☆ || Roblox Evade oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang