Some of them like everyone living on the hidden island are good. They do drink the blood of humans. Stolen bags of blood donation but they try not to kill humans at all. Sometimes they slip up and kill someone.

Those who follow Abaddon are purely evil, just like him. They enjoy torturing others for fun and killing, oh they thrive on killing. 

Dinah had killed for fun before, until she met Rose and Lexi, something in her began to change, not all completely, she only helped free Rose and Lexi because she was becoming very jealous of Rose. 

But something in had been wanting her to run to Rose, to seek help and to put distance from Abaddon. He has changed even more. He has always been a monster, but Dinah has noticed something else different. Something that made her very uncomfortable. He has always beat her and chained her up. But this time there was something different. She just couldn't put her finger on it. 

Abaddon left the room and left her alone; she still couldn't breathe at all since the chains around her neck had cut any type of air way. 

"Dinah?" Dinah moved her eyes to the sound of the voice. It was Gabriel! Gabriel was just 100 years younger than Dinah; he was maybe the 10th vampire ever created. Gabriel only followed Abaddon with fear. He knew Abaddon would find him and kill him if Grabriel ever betrayed Abaddon.

Dinah tried to speak out but couldn't. Grabriel gasped in full horror and fear upon looking at Dinah. Grabriel began to unwrap the chains from her neck. They air began to flow through her lungs she spoke in rash whispers.

"You can't be here, if Abaddon catches you releasing me, he will kill you!" Dinah spoke with fear in her voice. 

"I know, but i hate seeing you like this! You haven't even had blood in 2 weeks." Gabriel began to take out the knifes from her body. Dinah's cut healing instantly. 

"Gabriel stop, you can't get caught." Dinah says trying to stop Gabriel.

"No, i don't care what happens to me, i won't let him hurt you like this anymore." Gabriel says. "We need to think of something."

"We can go to the island. Trade information with Kane. Hopefully Rose would forgive me, maybe we would be safe there." Dinah says.

"Information? What kind?" Gabriel stops unwrapping Dinah.

"Everything! Abaddon is a monster! He must be stopped." Dinah says.

"I couldn't agree more." Gabriels eyes widen i pure fear. Dinah looks up and see's Abaddon standing there with 2 of his favorite men.

"Abaddon." Dinah basically screams. "Wait please." 

Before Dinah could blink Abaddon had his hand wrapped around Gabriels's neck. "You are such a little pussy aren't you. Well let's make you one shall we."

"Abaddon stops!" Dinah cried out.

"Abaddon i am sorry." Gabriel says in a panicked voice.

"Hold him." Abaddon demands his men. His men grab Gabriel and lay him on the ground his arms stretched from his body.

"Wait!" Gabriel screams.

Abaddon rips Gabriels pants clean off revealing his cock. 

"Abaddon please i beg you!" Gabriel screams.

"I will teach you what happens when you act like a bitch!" Abaddon says, he then turns and looks at Dinah. "When i am done with him i will be dealing with you!" Abaddon says in deadly voice. 

Dinah shook in fear. She watched as Abaddon cleanly rips off Gabriels dick off, Gabriel screams filled her ears, and all she could think is everyone he has ever tortured. Everyone he has ever made cry out in pain. 

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