𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈 | 𝒦𝒶𝓇𝓈

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It was a strange trade, or so you'd been told. A travelling astronomer, documenting the stars, the events in the sky. You were close to something big. Something game changing for the world of astronomy. You'd always had a pull to the world above, learning as much as you can, but the big pusher was 9 years ago, the discovery of a planet by the name of "Pluto". It had taken the whole world by storm, especially the astronomy community. Since that day, you'd been travelling, documenting your findings in the sky with your telescope and your journal that you held close to your heart.

Your focus at the moment were the stars. To be more specific, finding different types of stars. Your investigations had taken you to Europe, which under normal circumstances, you would avoid due to the war. You were on the cusp of finalising a new type of star, a massive star. You just needed the solid evidence here, then you could take your findings to be published.

The sun had begun to sink below the horizon, washing the sky in gorgeous hues of orange and pink, clashing with the warming tone of blue from the day. You watched as Sirius began to twinkle in the sky and had decided this field would be the best place to watch. Casting a glance at the abandoned keep in the near distance, you let out a soft exhale into the cooling air. "No one should be there, so I'm not breaking any laws." You mutter out loud, turning to your telescope and beginning to set it up in the field.

You watched as the sun slowly sank further and further below the mountains on the horizon, the sky growing redder and redder, and the wind chilling you as it blew against your small frame. "Red at night." You mutter the old proverb to yourself, smiling at the dissipating clouds as they seemed to pardon themselves for your research. You continued setting up your temporary camp for the next few nights, rolling out your sleeping bag on a softer part of the plain and then moving to set up your fire to cook.

Not long after you'd eaten, the fire began to be your only source of light, drowning out the soft luminosity of the stars and moon above you. It was time. Your stomach knotted in excitement. This would be your first big breakthrough, something that could change the understanding of the universe as everyone knew it. Who knows what kind of discoveries could come from the addition of this new type of star. You extinguished your fire, blinking as your eyes adjusted to the harsh change of light.

In about 2 minutes, the starlight was illuminating the ground below you. You made your way to your telescope and began pivoting it to the direction of the star. Hours passed, you'd been avidly writing notes on the star, adding to previous notes you had made. You were so close now. The light it emitted was so different to that of the sun, you wondered what qualities it had on life. The colour, the size. It was astonishing. Rough diagrams and notes were filling up the pages of your book, your mind scrambling for answers as you scribbled onto your book. The hours passed, and your body grew tired, thoughts becoming lazier and lazier. You sighed. Tomorrow you could gather more evidence. Closing your book slowly, you let out a yawn. The telescope would have to stay out tonight. Your feet dragged along the ground as you stumbled over to your sleeping bag, not bothering to change into more comfortable clothes, you slipped into the  warm, plush fabric and dozed off into a deep sleep.

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The dull moonlight washed over the rolling hills surrounding the temporary hideout of the Pillar Men, painting the landscape in a soft cold hue of blue. Three tall, well built men stood high on the run down keep, scanning the landscape. The shortest of the three stands in the middle, seeming to be analysing the landscape the most with a serious expression. The other two rested behind him, awaiting his evaluation.

The shortest parts his lips slightly, catching onto a smell of smoke. His eyes immediately move to the general area of the smell, and low and behold there seemingly was a small campsite 2 or 3 kilometres from the keep. "My Masters," he begins, bringing the campsite to the attention of his superiors. The first one to react was the man with the nose ring. "Yes, Wamuu?" he asks, watching the man with intense eyes. Wamuu nods "There is a camp not far from here, it seems a human as wandered in unknowing of the dangers." His face remains serious and his tone stable. The man with the nose ring flashes a smile "Excellent. Lord Kars, what do you want to do?"

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