weather magic

Start bij het begin

Chester: Sure boss.

Barry: Thanks.        

Flash Zooms away while getting into his suit to go look for the two baddies.

(Time skip because I'm lazy)

The Flash finds them robbing a bank and arrives before they could leave

Flash: Hey I thought you two would be playing DnD not living DnD.

Weather wizard: Laugh it up flash, besides we're not here for the money we're here to draw you out.

He throws a chunk of ice at the flash, but flash evades it like nothing. Weather witch then shoots thunder out of her staff and is canceled by a lightning bolt from the flash. They both try attacking at once but failed and just hit the walls. They then both fly up and start shooting thunder trying to land a hit. One lands a hit and the flash takes a fall. Both the Weather wielders start zapping flash continuously, until an electric collar goes around both their necks. They fallto the ground and are taken into police custody.

Kramer: Hey Flash that was a good idea: falling on purpose so they would be too distracted on you.

Flash: Yeah but I wish I was a little less burned.


The flash: So I'll go in a distract them and taunt them so they get reckless.

Kramer: Are you sure you want to do that?

The flash: Yes, if I try to put the cuff on one of them the other will get the cuffs off them. So we need make them think their winning.

Kramer: Okay but be careful you may be the Flash but your not immortal.

(end of flashback)

The Flash: Yeah it did work didn't it.

Kramer: Okay don't get cocky.

The Flash: I'll see you when I do?

Kramer: Yeah

Flash zooms back to STAR labs and changes back into regular clothes

Barry: Hey man anything weird happen while I was gone?

Chester: Not today but while we were asleep last night satellites picked up a small spike in all four positive forces.

Barry: Where?

Chester: I don't know. It's faint that I can get a good reading.

Barry: Well it's probably something important if the forces were involved.

Chester:  I'll keep looking into it.

Barry: Okay, thanks. I'm going home to sleep I've had a long day.

Chester: Okay, I'll just finish up and head home to.

(meanwhile the forces pov)

Deon told everyone that he could look into other dimensions and erased timelines, so he traced Vee's origin back to the boiling isles.

Deon: Woahhh.

Nora: What?

Deon: This place is cool.

Alexa: What do you see? 

Deon: An island made from what looks like the carcass of a Giant.

Bashir (sarcastic tone): Oh that just sounds wonderful, great job.

Deon: I'm looking into the past, let take a look at the present.

He fast forwards to the present.

Deon: Huh? It's snowing and much weirder now, theres what looks like child face stars and a bunch of bright colors, and the water isn't boiling anymore. 

Nora: What else do you see?

Deon: I see...a kid, in what looks like moon and star PJ's.

Bashir: Maybe zoom in to see better?

Deon: Good idea.

He zooms in for a better view    

Deon: Okay it looks like he's constructing something.

The collector: Who said that? You! Who are you?!

Deon: Guys he can see me! How can he see me?!

Nora: I don't know but let get out of there.

The collector: Oh no you don't.

The collector grabs Deon's face somehow and doesn't let him leave. The other three forces struggle to get Deon out of the collectors grip but in the end they free him.

Bashir: How did he do that?

Nora: He must be on the same level as us.

Alexa: But we're forces of nature.

Nora: And I died once so where not invincible.

Deon: That kid must be a god like us than huh. 

Nora: Yeah. We need to get Barry Allen.

Deon: No we can't just ask him to do this all himself. We need to give him some help. And I already have some in mind.

Writer: hello I said would write at random times so here is chapter two. I noticed that I change the way I write the dialog and the story telling. so if you find that a little annoying sorry about that. also i plan on adding more Flash villains to this story and try to bring out the best content out of the wasted characters. hope to see you reading this and have a good night.

Edited on 2/23/2023

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