
Start from the beginning

Henri first checked the pictures of Chloé, which were only four in total. All of them were of Chloé's nose. Two of them was a bandage that the blonde was wearing on her nose and the next two was without the bandage. Her nose had a small scrape on the bridge of it.

Henri looks at Chloé, who pouted "innocently", showing off her bright white lipstick, however, her nose had no scrape on it. "Where's the scrape on your nose Ms. Bourgeois?"

Chloé blinks. "Huh?"

"There is a scrape on your nose in the evidence pictures, where is the scrape now?" Henri probs.

Chloé's hand flew up to her nose. "I, uh,"

André stands up just then. "Mr. Henri-"

"You will call me Your Honor," Henri cuts him off sternly. "And sit down, I didn't ask you, I asked your daughter."

André frowns and sits down as Henri turned back to Chloé with an expectant look.

"Well?" Henri rose an eyebrow.

"I covered it with makeup. Could you imagine the horrors of me coming in to court with a nasty scrape on my nose before you? The magnificent judge?! Oh, the horror!" Chloé holds the back of her hand to her forehead with closed eyes, peeking one open to see if the judge was looking at her sympathetically.

He was not. Instead, he looked unamused.

"Right..." Henri puts Chloé's photos aside, moving on to Kalianna's photos before he begins browsing through all six of them.

The first two were close ups of the bite mark on Kalianna's leg with the horrible red bruise, the second two were of her bright red right cheek, and the last two were of a shattered wine glass with spilled wine.

Henri looks at Kalianna, seeing that her right cheek looked fine. He looks at Chloé. "Ms. Bourgeois, please approach the witness stand, Mr. Vasquez will start asking you questions."

Chloé stands up and her lawyer guides her to the witness stand. She smoothed the back of her skirt before sitting down.

Parker approaches the witness stand, stopping in front of Chloé, who is pouting. "So, Ms. Bourgeois, Ms. De-Sinclair told me a story of why you and her are here today, but I want to hear your side."

"What side would you like to hear?" Chloé asks, her voice sounding sugary sweet.

Kalianna rolled her eyes, knowing that the spoiled blonde was only acting like an Angel so she could seem innocent.

"Let's first start off with Mr. Agreste's private party. You and her family were invited right?" Parker queries.

Chloé scoffs. "Well of course I was, I'm the most important girl in Paris-" She noticed her father gesturing for her to stop. "Er, I mean," She forced a small smile. "Yes, we were."

"Uh-huh, and Kalianna and her father were there too right?" Parker quizzed.

"Yes." Chloé nods.

"Because the party was confidential, you had to put your phone in a robot that belonged to Mr. Agreste, correct?" Parker questioned.

"Yes, which was a stupid idea- um, I mean, a good idea." Chloé giggles forcefully.

"And you tried to get your phone back did you not?" Parker questioned.

"Of course I did, my phone is my life source- erm, I needed it to call... my best friend Sabrina." Chloé lies.

"Mm, but it wasn't your phone was it Ms. Bourgeois? It was Kalianna's, wasn't it?" Parker asked.

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