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Authors note:
Hello, this is made specially for a friend! Any comments and advice will be appreciated! Smut will be in chapter two. Enjoy the read!

It was a normal day in a not so normal town. Little blue creatures lived there, way too many to count. They enjoyed their time there, and was almost always happy. They spent their lives learning and doing things they enjoyed. In this unique villiage, one smurf stood out to you. The leader of them all, Papa Smurf.

His lushoius grey beard and soft looking skin lingered in your mind. You just adored him with all you're heart. Every time you looked at him you just wanted to run your fingers down his body. You wish you could enjoy that touch. Everytime you walked past him the scent of blooming flowers lingered in your nose. You wish you can get closer and enjoy that smell more often instead of it blowing away in the breeze, leaving as fast as it came. You crave his touch more than any berry or potion in the forest.

Since he's always making potions and learning new magic, you never get to see him. That and the fact you live across the village from him. You've never been too talkative or as positive as the other smurfs, you envied them. You never had the courage to go up to him and tell you how you feel, you we're lacking self confidence. Every time you went up to him your face turned as bright as the Sun. You couldn't control yourself around him. He made you feel something your didn't understand.

~your pov~

You we're just taking a stroll along the garden admiring the flowers and how pretty they are. There was a nearby bench where you sat down by the garden. As thoughts about Papa Smurf clouded your mind, there were light footsteps coming closer. You jumped as someone tapped your shoulder. That someone was Papa Smurf.

"Hello y/n I didn't mean to startle you." You already felt the heat creeping up onto your cheeks as you were mesmerized by his soothing voice. You were always lost in his voice, it memorized you in some way. The meleotic sound causing you to fantasize about him even more. He had such a strong voice but yet soothing at the same time. You could listen to his voice for hours and still never get tired of it. You were so in love with him.

"Mind If i sit here?" This startled you causing you to physically flinch. You just started at him for what felt like forever. You didn't believe that he just asked to sit by you out of all people. You though this day would never come. You could actually have a proper heart to heart conversation with him. Speaking of hearts, yours felt like it was about to burst. You swore that you were on your death bed. "Oh yeah of course!" You mentally swore at your self for your voice cracking. Your hands were sweating terribly. You hope he wouldn't notice how nervous you felt.

As he sat down, the aroma of blossoming flowers filled your nostrils once again. This caused you to feel even more nervous. You were trembling. "Aren't these flowers just beautiful?" Papa Smurfs voice broke you out of once another trance. You never noticed how blue his eyes were, you just stared at them from how beautiful they were. They reminded you of the mystical blue moon high in the night sky, radiating magic. The magic in his eyes mesmerized you. You couldn't look away.

"Y/n?" His voice broke your string of thoughts. "They're beautiful." You said almost dazed. "The flowers are sure wonderful." Papa Smurf said while looking ahead at the flowers and the other growing plants. "No I mean your eyes."

~Papa Smurf x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now