Slow brain, racing heart

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It was nearing the end of the school day. We were currently in PE and were packing everything away. I was so ready to go home and chill (after doing the mega long art project :( ).

Finally, the bell rang and I rushed through the herd of people, barged through and went out of the school gates. Slowly, I walked home. Since it was winter it was already looking like evening despite it only being 3:30pm. I quite enjoyed it however, it felt more calm and peaceful.

By the time I came home it was already raining. I opened the door to see a pair getting ready to go to a party.

"Hi mum, dad. What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Rania beti we're going to one of your dad's clients'weddings. We won't be back till late so you have to take care of your baby brother and pick the other one up when his school event is done. Do you understand?"

Of course this was going to happen. Parents go out and I'm given the job of the baby sitter. But it's fine, I'll put the baby to sleep and hopefully he'll sleep long enough till I get my art homework finished.

"Also Rania, no bringing boys into the house!" Dad warned.

"Fine, fine." I muttered.

After that, they both left and I was home alone with my baby brother. I proceeded to put him to sleep and then went up to my room to finish off my project.

About an hour later, I was finally done with my project so I went downstairs to watch TV and chill. I checked the news to see if there was anything happening. But it was nothing of my interest so I went on YouTube and watched some true crime documentaries. It's so interesting to view the minds of killers and see their methods. When you think about it, we can actually protect ourselves from danger because of knowing several tactics of killers. But knowing a dummy like me there's no chance of knowing what would happen.

Suddenly I heard crying and went upstairs to get my brother. He's such a naughty baby, always hurting himself.

After bringing him down I sat back down and scrolled through YT when all of a sudden I saw a new post from...



But he looked so...


My jaw dropped and my eyes were wide open. It was as if something just came out of the TV screen. All I could do was stare. But instead of looking like an idiot I pressed on the video, the title was called 'I'm back.' There were so many questions in my head. He could've at least specified his words. What did he mean by, 'I'm back.' Back from what? A war? From a different country? Dating girls? So many questions roamed around my head.

The video played. Maurice looked completely different compared to how he looked before. Before he looked nerdy, he had a big bowl cut, big glasses and wore stuff like minecraft and spiderman stuff. You might be wondering, 'Rania, why would you fall for such a nerd, and a bowl cut? Ewww!' I don't know myself! There was just something about him that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

But now, he looked completely different compared to how he was before. He still had the same emerald green eyes, he had long light brown hair which was tied in a ponytail, leaving some bangs out and he had the perfect Adam's apple and his skin was pale and smooth along with the lips. He was wearing a black collared shirt with a white sweater on top. Oh, he looked like an absolute model!

I could already feel my face flush red and breathing became heavy. Come on Rania he isn't THAT good looking why did I overreact so much!

After calming down from my absurd reaction, I continued the video.

"Hey youtube-"

I immediatly paused it and screamed into a pillow. HIS VOICE WAS SO CALM AND SOOTHING AND PERFECT!!!

I continued again, promising myself that I wouldn't pause the video again.

"Hey youtube...I'm back haha!"

His laugh.

"Sorry for not posting for a while, it's just that..."

It better be reasonable.

"Well uhm...Uh I'm going to get straight to the point...I lost motivation."

Well you should've thought about that before making a channel at all. You have so many subs why would you stop just because you lost motivation?

"It's just that, school and everything. It's hard to keep up with homework while also posting videos at the same time you know. Don't get me wrong, I love going around France and showing you scenery's but remember, I'm also human as well and I sincerely apologise for just dissapearing like that. From now on I'll TRY to post more frequently. BUT! I cannot guarantee anything! Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. Au Revoir! Je vous aime tu!" He explained as he blew a kiss which caused me to melt like a puddle and smile so brightly.

I knew very well he was trying to flirt with all his female viewers but to me, it felt like he was talking to me.

After watching all that I decided to watch only a few times!

Ok I watched it an unholy amount of times but you can't blame me!

As time passed by (don't worry I didn't spend an hour watching that video. I'm not a creep) I realised I had to pick up my brother from his little school event. So I put my baby brother on his pushchair, put on my coat and left to pick him up.

The only thing I could think about was Maurice. To this day, I still find it depressing how I probably don't have a chance with him. We come from completely different cultures as well. Someone like Maurice probably fancies white girls with beautiful blonde hair, and has a decent chest and thighs rather than some geeky Indian girl who just draws for a living. Plus he was famous as well, he'd probably want to date a girl who was hot and famous as well.

But then again, I shouldn't care too much about boys for now. I'm praying my parents can at least find a hot Indian guy for me to marry since I have to follow the Indian culture anyway.



MAYBE I got inspiration from the netflix show never have I ever-


It's good tho you should watch it lmao

And also this sus book I've been reading as well lol

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