"Mockingbird doesn't hold hate in her heart, just resentment and disappointment. Debra we were suppose to be her parents, to raise her right and love her. We are not and was not suppose to let our demons into our children's lives." I say to her.

"I know I am sorry, there's someone I want you to meet, Georgina this is Kent Knight the man who helped raised you with me." She says introducing me to a beautiful woman.

I remember when Georgina was just a little girl, she had big dreams of being a princess. Now she looks like she has been affected by this bullshit life too.

"Hello Kent is it? I would like for you to know that I appreciate how you are taking the time to help my aunt and I." She smirks like the devil's spawn, a smile her aunt used to do well. Now the drugs take away all of her essence and allure.

"Georgina you have grown into a beautiful woman. Now what do you two really want from me?" I asked them as we sat down in the booth. Georgina sat next to me and Debra across from me.

"Kent why play this charade with me? If you're not going to help me why lie?" Debra says and I laugh.

"Why do you lie to me about wanting help when I see all you will ever want is that white girl." I say to her and she huffs.

"So fucking what Kent!! I hate that you still do that. Answer my questions with questions, I get high yes to escape the life I had to live. You can't save me Kent you should of been there when I was fifteen. This is my life now so how about we stop with the niceties and get down to business." Debra says now dropping the front.

"Zenia has been sold to Morris when she was only three and a half years old. He has it in a black and white contract and he always get what he wants. How long do you think you can hide her in this city?" Debra asked me and I chuckle.

"Three and half years old? Your father is fucking sick! What the fuck could he possibly see in a three year old toddler?!! She is my daughter, my blood runs in her veins too and as her father I will protect her with my last breath like you should of done!!" I slam my fist on the table as a few other patrons look off and move away.

"I think it would be wise of you to calm down. Don't raise your voice at my aunt, she can't comprehend shit but how to get high. Matter of fact, Aunty Deb why don't you go wait for me in the car and let me catch up with Uncle Kent?" Georgina says as she had her gun pressed to my side. I noticed a glimmer of regret in Debra's eyes.

"Hm yeah there is something wrong with me...it was nice seeing you again Kent and just know I did love you too. But your love cannot save me, no one can save me..." She says standing up getting ready to leave. She was at the end of her rope but I hope there could be more for Debra. Once I rid Elijah out of her life than maybe I can truly help her.

"Hey Sunshine?" I called out to her, she turns to face me eyes flinted when I called her by her old nickname.

"My love did save you but you jump ship before we made it to the kingdom. I love you Debra and you are not evil, dumb or a waste of space. He made you like this the night he raped you and allow for other men to do the same. That man is evil and I promise on my dying breath he is going to die. I just wish I was able to do more for you beautiful." I say winking at her. She had tears in her eyes as she walked away.

"Now listen here Uncle Kent you will give me the location of that little whore you call a daughter and you can make it out with your life tonight." She says and I laugh, this little girl is thrown into a field she has no knowledge of.

"Georgina let me tell you a story, there once was a little girl with a huge head that was because it was filled with huge dreams. She once wanted to be living in a palace far far away. One day her guardian took her and her family away on a little life boat away from the riches. A few days later they drown into the red sea of Satan. This little girl was raped by a man who bought her. His life was taken by a boy who was obsessed with her. But this boy knew he didn't want to go to jail and he needed leverage. So he told this little girl's protector what happen and gave him the address of where the man was and a gun." I say to her as she seem to be a bit bored.

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