15. Black Suit

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(A/N: I'm sorry for the wait besties, the most i'll make you guys wait for a chapter is a day or two, i won't abandon this book until it's finished lol, i hate when i like a fanfic and then the author never finishes it.)


Price laughed, "We didn't choose it, Shepards team send over whatever they see fit."

"Shepards leading this mission too?" I didn't know he was involved.

"Yes, he's trying to extract an Attack Characterization System from Vladimir."

"What the fuck is that?" I asked, extremely confused.

"It stands for Attitude Control System. It manages what the satelite recognises and how it reacts to it. In this case, the Russians reprogrammed it so their fighter planes wouldn't be recognised. We're capturing Vladimir so we can destroy the device. It's too powerful for the ordinary man to control." He answered and his phone rang, "Excuse me." He smiled and went outside to take it.

I turned to look at Simon, "Now what?"

He didn't answer and stormed out, he's furious. I took a seat in the corner and awaited further instructions, you can't drop a bomb on me like that and just walk out. I feel a hand on my shoulder, It's Johnny.

"How you holdin' up kiddo?"

"Kiddo?" I said, with an 'I won't hesitate to stab you' kinda look.

"Sorry Lieutenant." He chuckled and slowly backed up. "But seriously, Y/n. I've been so caught up in the past 2 missions i haven't found time to speak to you."

"It's partially my fault too. I cant wait for this thing to be over so it can be just Johnny and Y/n again." i smiled.

"What about the scary one?" He jokingly said. But then it dawned upon me,

What's next for us? My thoughts were interrupted by Price walking back into the tent. "We'll finish this later, Y/n." Johnny said and ruffled up my hair.

"The ball is at 2o:00 (8 p.m.). Y/n, you have a few hours to get situated. We will be waiting." He sets down a box and a bag in-front of me and they all walk out. I seriously can't believe they thought this would be a good idea, again.

If i'm going to the ball to basically seduce him.. that won't end well with Simon. That might be part of the reason as into why he's so mad. Remember the whole 'Touch another man and you die' speech he gave me.

If there is a god, then i genuinely believe he or she are out to get me. I bet the old man's up there holding a pen and paper writing out my future, and laughing at my misery. Or it could be a touch deprived girl hunched over her laptop eating stale chips crying over a man who never wanted her in the first pla-

"Y/n! Are you finished?"

"One minute!" I haven't even put the dress on yet. I fixed my hair and fixed my face. Heels were provided again, i fucking LOVE my job.

"We have to go, hurry up!" I hear Johnny shout from outside.

"Hold on!" I hate when i'm being rushed. I pulled the dress up and put on the shoes. I just want to get this shit over with, any girl would be excited to wear a fancy dress and go to a ball, but i'm just sick of being used as bait. Like put lipstick on Johnny and put him in a dress, I'm sure they won't be able to tell the difference.

There wasn't a mirror in the tent, so i couldn't look at myself. It's fine, i walked out and went to find the men. I see them impatiently waiting by the car, i wasn't even in there for that long.

"Okay, let's go." I walked by them and jumped into the car, i don't know where Simon is. It was just me, Soap, Price, and 2 random soldiers in the car. What the fuck? Where is he?

"He went in another car, y/n." Price turned around and gave me a small smile. I just nodded and looked out the window. "There's a building right across from the hall, Ghost will be watching with a sniper, if anything goes wrong, he'll do his job."

The place the ball was being held at a gigantic hall, it was gorgeous. They obviously couldn't drop me off in front it, they had valet.

"You're going to have to walk a little, and sneak in through the back. The guards are occupied, so they won't notice."

I hopped out of the truck and snuck in through the back. Shit. Why didn't those fuckers tell me this was a masquerade ball.

I saw a group of women walking into what i assumed a bathroom. I followed behind and hoped one of them would place their mask on the counter to fix their makeup.

Perfect. Once she looked away i snatched and walked out of the bathroom, 'Where'd my mask go?' I heard her ask as i sped walked away, let's hope she doesn't see me later. 

I walk into the busy ball and see nearly hundreds of people, holy shit this place is beautiful. I look out of the big glass windows and saw Simon laying on the ground, watching me. I saw a bar out of the corner of my eye, thank god.

I walked towards the bar, the bartender looked up at me and smiled. "What will you have?"

"Scotch on the roc-." I was interrupted by a voice with a heavy accent speak from behind me, "Glass of Romanee for the beautiful lady." I turned around and to see a tall man with dirty blond hair. Vladimir.

"I'm not a fan of wine actually. But thank you." I said and turned back around.

"You've never tried this one." He turned me back around and pushed the glass into my hand, he stood there and watched me take a sip.

"Could be better." I said.

He laughed, "Where is your date? A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be left alone."

"Why? Are you asking me to dance?" I smirked.

He held out his hand for me to take and walked me to the middle of the dance floor, i hate being so close to him. I was facing the building Simon was posted in, but i couldn't see him anymore. I felt Vladimir's hand creep down my waist.

"What's your name?" Vladimir whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. And not the good kind.

"Ashley." I answered. Out of all the names i could've chosen i fucking picked Ashley?

He said something else but i was distracted by the 6'4 man who just walked into the ball. He was wearing a black suit, he had black hair and i could see his dark eyes from here. And he was wearing a black masquerade mask that only covered the upper half of his face...


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