8. Safe Word

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(A/N: You read the chapter title.)

"So.. you, me, alone, in a hotel room.. sounds like fun."

"Just keep walking Simon." I suddenly feel him grab my left wrist and takes me back into his hospital room. "What are you doing?" I start laughing.

"Why don't we get an early start?" He said and held me against his chest. Nearly breaking my neck looking up at him.

"Your Doctors still here, i don't want him hearing us."

"Then you'll just have to be quiet." He lifted his mask and started kissing down my neck.

"o..okay." I can't resist this man. "I've never had hospital sex before.." i giggled as his lips were literally attacking my neck.

He pulled away and looked down at me, and in a serious tone he asked, "What's the... i guess 'freakiest' things you've done."

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. Answer the question."

"Probably when you choked me last time.."

He looked shocked, "That's it?"

"Yes.. is that bad?" I'm now feeling self conscious, i don't know if he's making fun of me or not.

"I just have a lot of things i want to do to you.. and i don't know what you would be okay with." I love his voice. I just had to throw that in there.

"You can do whatever the fuck you want to me."


"What. Ever. You. Want."

"Perfect." He said and forcefully threw me on the bed.

"When you feel uncomfortable, or if i hurt you, tell me." He said and literally stared dead into my soul.

I laughed, "What? Like a safe word?"

"Fuck no. I've always found that weird, just tell me to stop."

I don't know what i've just signed up for... "Okay."

"Hands above your head."

I obeyed. Obviously. He took off my shirt and bra, then brings his attention to my boobs. I feel my nipples harden and wait for him to put them in his mouth. "Be patient."

I just nod.

He started looking around the room, "What are you looking for?" He ignores my question,

"I'll just use my belt." He mumbles as he takes off his belt and ties my hands together. I'm liking this.

He lets go of me and got off the bed, i tried getting up to see what he was doing but he pushed me back down. This man doesn't know how to be gentle. It's like i'm a rag doll or something. He took his shirt off and tied it around my mouth.

"If you move, i'll stop."

I nodded.

I felt him unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down slowly, and then threw them across the room. He slowly took my underwear off... i feel kisses trailing down my neck and boobs. He takes one of them in mouth as i moan.

"I said be fucking quiet. You don't listen do you?"

"I'm sorry.." I attempted to speak but a shirt was around my mouth. He then brought his mouth back to my nipple, then starts kissing down my stomach.. Forces my legs open and slips his middle finger and ring finger into my vagina. I see him grab his mask from the table right next to my head and slips it back on.. just the way i like it.

He starts to massage my clit slowly and i arch my back.

"You moved." He said and got up.

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows, you've got to be shitting me. He untied the shirt that was around my mouth wand grabbed a chair and sat on it, just looking at me.

"Beg for it."

"Please. Simon."

"Come on, you can do better than that..."

I sighed. What the fuck am i supposed to say? "I will fucking kill you if you don't continue."

He smirked and walked back over to me, "Open your mouth. I want you to taste yourself." So i opened my mouth, obviously.

He starts pumping his fingers in and out of my mouth, his fingers hitting the back of my throat. He smiles and ties the shirt around my mouth again, but tightens it even more this time. I feel his huge fingers back inside of me, flicking my clit. Do you know how hard it is not to move when someone who looks like him is fucking you with his fingers?

I cant stop the moans that are slipping out of my mouth.. I was about to cum but then he stopped. I tried to sit up to see what was happening, he was walking towards his combat vest, and pulls out his pocket knife.

What the fuck?

He got on top of me, his left hand right next to my head and his right held the knife.

"I'm going to try something. This will hurt, so don't move."

I see him look for something again, he walks over the the closet and comes back with rope and ties my legs to the hospital bed. Keeping them wide open.

"You're going to bleed, but it wont scar for long."


I feel his blade carve something into my hip bone, i move a bit and he stops. Looks up at me and waits to see if i was going to tell him to stop, but i shake my head. As much as crazy i might sound right now... this is the most aroused i've ever been. He continues doing whatever he was doing and gets off of me, i see him smirking through his mask.

He unties my legs, and comes back up to me and does the same with my arms. And then takes the shirt out of my mouth. I sit up to see what he was doing,

I see an 'SR' carved into my skin.

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