4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"

Start from the beginning

Instead he sat at the kitchen table, enjoying his dinner. Lotus felt like he hadn't eaten in his own kitchen in years. Usually he ate in his office or took the food to the bedroom.

Tonight he chose to enjoy dinner with his family. His chef Pierre had served them a meal prepared by Lisa and Ember. There was several t-bone steaks well done with mash potatoes and broccoli. Steamed shrimps and mussels, salmon and brown rice and even Italian styled chicken parmesan with angel hair pasta. The table was filled with chatter as they talked about world topics and current events.

Time was going and everyone noticed Egypt wasn't talking. When Lotus wasn't looking Ember or Lisa would sneak her a look as if asking 'when are you gonna say it?'. They weren't rushing her because she didn't have to say it anymore if she felt uncomfortable. They just knew if she didn't say it tonight she would probably keep chickening out.

"D, I haven't forgotten about you. We definitely gotta go fishing again." Lotus said. He was talking about taking Dalton to the Spice mansion. 

,Dalton depended on him heavily for that and Lotus had been super busy. Too busy to think about that. But he would make some time to help the brother who never asked him for anything much.

"Yeah. Anytime you're ready." Dalton said.

The two brothers kept talking and Egypt kept quiet the whole time. Even when Lotus finished eating and was just sitting around to talk, she still stayed silent. But she knew it was now or never.

"How was Dallas?" Ember questioned. "And the restaurants? And how is your mall coming along? Oh my gosh my baby is doing such great things!"

"Dallas is hot, kinda boring. The restaurants are doing good. The one in Austin pulls in the most traffic." He informed. "And the mall is coming along nicely, I have some meetings lined up with some people tomorrow but I might push that aside so me and D can—"

"No no, don't reschedule business for me." Dalton said in all seriousness. He was super excited to go to the mansion, but not at the cost of his brother's money. 

"Business is never more important than you Dalton, don't do that. I'm definitely rescheduling now, there's no argument about it."

Ember purred and held her heart playfully at the brotherly moment. Lisa thought it was cute too. There was a moment of silence after that and Egypt found her opening. She slid off her stool and walked around the island table to where Lotus was sitting, making everyone look at her.

Lotus watched her as she walked up to him and stepped between his legs. He noticed how scared she looked. She was chewing the inside of her cheek and her fingers were shaking. 

She hugged him, pressing the side of her face to his stomach. "I love you daddy."

Lisa smiled lightly and watched the two of them. Ember did as well, she told herself she wouldn't cry, but they were looking so cute. 

Egypt pulled away and was met with dark brown eyes boring a hole through her. It rattled her and made her break out the poster. She unraveled it in light of the slight awkwardness. 

Lotus eyed the huge poster of the face of a man dressed in a suit. It wasn't like Egypt was a fantastic drawer, so he couldn't tell it was his own picture. He only figured it was suppose to be him when the word DADDY was plastered above the drawing in fancy glitter and decorative stuff.

Lotus's eyes met her's and he didn't say anything for a stretch of time. Egypt honestly couldn't tell what he was thinking and it was bothering her. Then he suddenly pat her on the shoulder.

"Um...you don't have to call me dad, E. Seriously. Mr. Lotus is fine. I prefer it, actually." 

It was like an invisible DJ stopped spinning the record. Everyone at the table looked mortified and Lotus realized the looks were toward him. He was extremely confused on what he said.

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