Chapter 64

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A cool hand came from behind, clasping her shoulders, Xing Zhi's skin pressed against hers, causing Shen Li to unconsciously let out a comfortable sigh, the hot temperature in her body was slightly reduced.

Xing Zhi wrapped her waist with his arms, and because Shen li slightly arched her back when he bit her neck again, her back couldn't touch his cool skin so she unconsciously moved in his lap, trying to get closer to him.

Xing Zhi sensed her intentions, and the hand that was around her waist gently lifted her up and let her back touch him.

The skin touched, and his heartbeat was noticeably chaotic for a moment.

Shen Li...

Her bare chest was between his two arms that were encircling her body. As long as he opened his eyes, he could see her feminine figure, her breasts were standing firmly in the air, that part was a little different in color, like a budding flower, making people want to touch it.


He warned himself.

He was keenly aware that there were evil thoughts slowly condensing around him.

The evil thoughts and desires that Lady Jin has accumulated over tens of thousands of years were there... These things had no real form, but they had the power of enhancing the already existent thoughts and desires on people's hearts.

Xing Zhi was helping Shen Li during her treatment; it could not be interrupted and nothing could go wrong!

He closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and concentrated on letting his mana work in Shen Li's body, solving her mana conflicts one by one.

With the inflow of Xing Zhi's power, the heat of Shen Li's whole body was gradually suppressed, and her brain who was burned by the high temperature finally recovered a little sense.

She could not see with her eyes, but her sense of touch was extremely sensitive. She knew that she was in front of him. Two naked men's arms were encircling her, and a strong and cool body was stuck behind her. She knew who was holding her.

Shen Li admitted that at this moment, her brain was almost blank.

After being dazed, her sanity gradually recovered, she knew that Xing Zhi was healing herself, but...

Xing Zhi's head was close to her ears, and he was biting her neck. This was a dangerous posture because Xing Zhi could kill her by biting her carotid artery with too much strength, she had to be calm, but she already started to freak out.

This sense of crisis, as well as the magic power he continuously injected into her body, made her more clearly and profoundly realize the existence of this person, and realize that they were now... glued together in an almost unforgivable, intimate position.

She could feel the beating of his heart, the breath he exhaled on her shoulders, and his slightly moist lips around her neck, and occasionally she could even feel the arc of his throat subconsciously swallowing. Everything was so clear and true. Even if Shen Li couldn't see.

She also gritted her teeth and closed her eyes tightly, as if she could feel a little less like this as if her heartbeat would calm down a bit as if this... those strange impulses Would slowly disappear...

But Fuck!

Her dark world now was full of Xing Zhi sounds, his smell, his heartbeat, breathing, and the rubbing sound of his arm gently moving on her skin. All of this made it hard for her to...

She couldn't resist it.

Shen Li moved her body uncomfortably, and Xing Zhi behind her took a heavy breath.

The Legend of Shen Li (English Translation of Yu Feng Xing 与凤行)Where stories live. Discover now