Chapter 2

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On the second day, Shen Li woke up to see Xing Yun feeding mantou to the fish. He seemed to treasure that pond of fish very much, not even caring that his sleeve was soaked. 

Under the soft glow of the dawn light, he looked as if he was someone that had transcended from the immortal world.

Was he truly just a mere mortal?

Suddenly, all of her memories came flooding back. This was the very man who had dunked her into the water, and almost killed her! 

She narrowed her eyes and stared at him intently until her eyes misted, tracking his every movement . 

Xing Yun turned around casually and said lightly, 

"My name is Xing Yun." 

He then proceeded to dust his shoulders, readjusted his robe, and started shaking his feet that had long since gone numb from siting. 

He muttered, 

"It's time for my medicine." 

Before walking back inside, his posture not even straight .

Shen Li shook her head; She was certain that something must have been wrong with her brains back then. 

There was no way that this guy could be anything but a mere mortal. No matter how she looked, she could only describe him with one word; Ordinary.

Not bothering to think more on the topic due to a more pressing crisis at hand, Shen Li tried to move her body, amazed to find that her body had by far exceeded her own expectations. Her self-recovery seems to be currently far better than yesterday's, despite the torment she was put through .

Shen Li chose not to think deeply about that, instead choosing to take a deep breath and check her spirit power, only to find none. She sighed, it seems that spirit power is really much harder to recover as compared to physical strength . Although her lack of spirit power may be able to hide her from the Demon World's Underground Palace, that came with a heavy price . She knew that in her current situation, the Demon Emperor will inevitably find her . When he does, if her spirit power still hasn't returned, she would not be able to raise a single finger in defense .

"Big brother, come . "

Shen Li was thinking, when a voice called out suddenly behind her. She turned to find Xing Yun, dressed again in an azure robe, mantou in hand. 

"Eat a bit."

Shen Li was about to coldly ignore him, but then she remembered yesterday's "crime" of refusing to eat which resulted in a cold bath! 

Her body stiffened as she hesitated before taking a small bite at her end.

Her pride took a large blow as she retracted her neck, not daring to walk in front of him superiorly as before.

Shen Li noticed a faint herbal scent coming from his robes. This time, Chen Li looked at his face in total concentration. 

His face was pale, lips were white, and his eyes had dark circles, looking very uncomfortable.


Shen Li was very worried that this mortal would spread rumors about her, Shen Li being unbearably ugly. 

However, if he was going to die soon, then there would be no need to fear a man who could take this secret to his grave! 

To others, she would still be the grand, majestic, and beautiful Azure Sky King! 

Her heart felt relieved as she discarded her pride and took a big bite out of the mantou! 

Shen Li's eyes lit up; Why, mantou can actually be so delicious?!

The Legend of Shen Li (English Translation of Yu Feng Xing 与凤行)Where stories live. Discover now