"Oh man, the UN is here," Swire softly said, Ch'en urging them to move along, the Bradley's gun returning to a neutral position, facing forward. She got her keycard out and opened the door, ushering them inside. "Why are they here?" Swire's voice was a little laced with panic. At her panic, Ch'en couldn't blame her, the United Nations' member states have proven themselves to be exponentially dreadful to fight or dare.

"That... might be why Chief Wei called us back." Hoshiguma finally theorized. Ch'en got them over to an elevator and pressed the panel, waiting patiently.

"If that's the case, why didn't he just say so in the letter?" Hoshiguma shrugged, "I don't know, Chief Wei is always strange in some of his actions."

Ch'en had to hide a faint smile that she had, subtly nodding her head. Coughing into her fist, She straightens up, and fixes herself. "No matter, we must look and act professional, there's a method to his madness." Swire scoffed, smirking behind her.

"Oh you DO agree there is some madness within him?"

Why I out to... Hoshiguma was not ready for how quick she turned around and glared into Swire's Eyes, trapping the upper bit of her uniform. "Listen here you tiger bitch, there may be madness in his actions, but right now, he is one of the few leaders and the few people capable of expectedly handling this city, I recommend we don't say anything here that'll get him all angry at us." Wrong times to be call

Swire shut up quick after that, especially since the elevator began to ring, signaling that they were close to the right floor. Ch'en let out a bit of a shuddering breath. Hoshiguma, gently, rests a hand on Ch'en's shoulder, "Are you Alright?"

"I..." Ch'ens topped herself, shaking her head, just as the door opened, "I am alright, do not worry about me Hoshiguma."

"Thats the spirit... hey, after whatever this is, we can go and get a drink at the bar."

That made her smile softly, "That'll be good, thank you."

The 3 began to step out and towards Ch'en's office. Swire and her looked around, noting UN Forces - Americans and Brits, if I can get that right - were lounging about talking with the various LGD personnel. Soon, the 3 were now outside of their office, the personnel around them silently whispering about something. Ch'en looked at the door and the shadowed figures beyond its slightly tinted door.

"Alright," she coughs, fixing her clothing just a little more, "Here we go," she rests her hand on the doorknob, and began to slowly open it.

She was immediately greeted with the official and clean posture of Chief Wei, as well as his wife. She goes up to him, Swire and Hoshiguma following behind, with the latter closing and locking the door. "Chief Wei."

"Madam Ch'en, good to see that you made it just in time" Chief Wei was now before her. Ch'en gave him a nod of acknowledgement, they couldn't use their other titles due to something that she noticed. There was others in the room, commanders from their uniforms. One of them went up to her and Wei, outreaching his hand, "Special Inspection Unit Chief Ch'en?" She takes his hand and shakes it. "Yes, that is me."

"My name is Samuel Harding, I work for the United States Army as a field Commander," he then turns and gestures to his colleagues, who had turned their attention to , "That is Brigadier General Thomas Mill, he serves for the Royal Army." Thomas nods at her, and gives her a short, respectful salute. "

"That over there is Brigadier General Jett, he works for the Australian Army," with a cowboy-like hat, Jett tilts his hat at her, "G'day Madam."

"Right here is Commander Natalya, she handles an Element of the Russian Army," the Russian lady looked at her and gave a polite nod and smile, a bottle of some sort of Ursun Alcohol next to her. She smiles, "Privyet."

Arknights: Starsfall IDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora