Aurelia peeks in, sadness in her eyes. "I thought I heard him squeal."

"Yeah, I'm home."

"I'm glad you're safe."

Eris nods and pecks his mother's cheek. She hands Lucien a sippy cup with juice and he beams, taking it and greedily drinking.

"We shouldn't have to use binding magic on him. Even if it's only traces, enough to last half a day."

"You don't think I know that? I'm always worried that it will weaken him as he gets older. But I would rather have a child who is magically weak, than a child who is dead, Eris. I-...I couldn't bear that. It would break me beyond repair if I ever lost either of you. Any of you...but your brothers—", she lets out a devastated breath and looks at her hands guiltily.

"They aren't your fault. You raised us all the same. Some were bound to be corrupted by him. I suppose I just didn't expect four or five out of seven to be that way. But Lucien...he won't be like that. I can tell. He will be adventurous, caring, independent. If he ever gets the chance to get out, and you can't help, I will help him get out, Mother. You have my word. I may not be able to leave, but if he can leave and have a better chance when he's an adult, I'll make it happen. Somehow."

Aurelia tears up and hugs them both close. "I love you both."

"So do we", he replies weakly.

Lucien finishes his juice and gives the cup back to his mother, grinning adorably. "Ah done!"

She smiles. "Good boy, Luci." }

Eris lets his eyes slip closed and he hopes that one day all of the truth can be told and maybe, just maybe, he will get a second chance with his baby brother.




Briar laughs heartily at Thea and Elior and all their stories of Helion. They had both been his friends and lovers for centuries, and she is in awe that they are so casual about it, no strings or feelings attached.

Thea giggles. "Oh sweetie, you have much to learn about the fae. Sex is not stigmatized or a virtue as it is with humans. For most, it is mere fun. Most fae never meet their mate. Mostly because they are either dead, separated by Courts, or not a good match. So sex is mere fun to the majority. There are many who treat it more sacred, however. It is a personal preference."

Elior smirks and lounges back on the sofa, legs spread wide, his sun-kissed brown chest gleaming with the sunshine pouring through the skylights. "As for me, I have no preferences for the company I keep. Pleasure is pleasure", he grins charmingly.

Thea rolls her eyes and smacks his chest jokingly. "You're not seriously flirting with our guest, are you? She was human Eli, I don't think its the most comfortable conversation for her anyway."

He shrugs and grins devilishly again. "Well, the offer always stands, Lady Briar."

"I'm sure it does", she chuckles. "Is Helion on business today?"

Thea and Elior exchange a glance and Thea speaks up. "No, he's just...having a bad day."

"That's cryptic."

"There are things most of the Court doesn't know and we are not at liberty to tell. But he will probably be out for dinner later. Don't fuss about it, he'll be fine."

Briar nods slowly and bites her lip.




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