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"before I met you I already had such a strong opinion on rich people. when I saw you online I thought the same thing about you, you had power cause of your money"

"but ever since we did that challenge you changed my mind, about you. your kind, sweet, caring, thoughtful, empathetic, funny, always giving back, putting others before yourself"

"when we were eating in the famous restaurant and went to lay on the hill and watch the ocean, it was the most freeing feeling ever. it was a feeling that I had no experienced, the first time I had no worries"

"being with you felt like every worry I had, or anything here I was facing vanished when I was with you"

"when I would stay at the apartment and you would be out on your schedule, it would feel as if I was waiting for you for ever. I tried to play it off that I did not miss you when you were gone for an hour or two but I did"

"when we kissed-" taehyung started but chuckled before finishing the sentence.

"I was so happy" he whispered, looking towards the sun the was setting along the ocean line.

"I went to sleep that night with a smile on my face before and after, I could not stop thinking about it and wanted to mention it the following day but did not have the guts to" jungkook chuckled, rubbing taehyung's hand as he pays close attention to the males voice.

"the day I was assaulted, I did not blame you for even a second" taehyung whispered, making eye contact with jungkook who turned serious.

"my trust in you never left, it always stayed the same. sleeping next to you made me feel safe, you make me feel safe"

jungkook softly smiled, letting out a breath he did not notice he was holding.

"when he stopped talking I dont even know what happened, I felt sad you were going and hoped that you would stay. It was selfish of me to not say bye and stay silent and im sorry, at times I find it hard to communicate my feelings and thoughts"

"I also have feelings for you, have for awhile now. your my safe place" taehyung whispered, wiping away his last tears as jungkook sat up.

"thank you for being honest with me" jungkook smiled

"I think it was good for us to talk about what happened between us" taehyung replied, smiling before it went quiet.

'now what' taehyung thought, hoping jungkook would say something.

"I am actually so relieved you have feelings for me as well. I thought this would be very awkward if you did not feel the same" jungkook chuckled, causing the brunette to laugh at the thought but slightly shake his head.

taehyung watched as the raven reached for something in the basket, soon to pull out a little box. "I wanted to ask you if you would make me the happiest male on the planet and let me call you mine" jungkook whispered, opening the box. taehyung gasped when his eyes were met with a promise ring.

jungkook smiled as soon as taehyung gasped and nodded, thrusting his hand towards the taller as he waited for the male to slide on the ring. the raven laughed and quickly did so.

"I got us matching ones" jungkook stated, pulling out a second little box where the same ring was inside. taehyung smiled as he watched him slid the ring on both their fingers.

taehyung felt so happy, it felt good to confess all these thoughts and feelings and to see how jungkook was feeling.

"do you have any worries about any of this?" jungkook asked, wanting to make sure they were on the same page.

"this would be the first healthy relationship I have been in, but promise me that if I do something that upsets you or you want to tell me.. please tell me even if I look busy" taehyung said, linking his hand with the other males.

"I promise, I want you to do the same" jungkook whispered, raising taehyung's hand towards his lips as he left a soft peck.

"I promise" taehyung smiled, butterflies swirling in his stomach.

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