A Blue Giant finds a fractured Ice Princess

Start from the beginning

"So it alerts me if you're near as well?" I nodded to that before gesturing her to get onto my hand again for me to drop her off. She obliged as I flew back to her house and dropped her off, flying away with a wave before sinking into the ocean and contemplating for a bit.

'Maybe its time I meet up with Akio... May as well let him know I'm here too now.' With that, I began trying to locate a similar Giant of Light while merged with the Sea.

{Timeskip in Atlas, in the courtyard of the Schnee Manor. 3rd POV}

A young Weiss Schnee had just discovered of her father's reason to marrying her mother a few days ago. The moment she found out, she had locked herself in her room and shut herself from the world. A few days later however, she just stayed quiet and tried her hardest to not look at her parents or anyone else. Instead, she stayed in her room, crying about the revelation or never spoke or looked at anyone if she was out of it.

Even Klein, Weiss's butler couldn't help her so much as smile for a second, before she went back to sulking. He listened to Weiss as she explained on what she saw and tried to comfort her, however nothing worked. Everything that he had done before didn't work in those moments, he never stopped trying to help her though. Eventually, Weiss began walking into the courtyard and just cried while she sat at the fountain.

Just as Weiss was crying to herself at the fountain, she had failed to notice a blue humanoid gently land from the sky and go up to her. This was Ultraman Agul, he had been flying around the kingdoms shrunken down to avoid suspicion, only to find a broken-down girl in a courtyard.

He noticed that she was too busy bawling her eyes out so he tapped her shoulder to get her attention, this made her stare up at him which made her scream in terror of this unknown 'thing' to her. The sudden appearance of Agul made her step back and start to question him.

"W-Who are you?! How did you get into the manor?!" Weiss demanded Agul. Seeing this, he gestured her to calm down as he began to back away from her. 

Weiss, having gotten over her fear, began getting cautious and curious as to what he was doing here. "Well then, what are you doing here?" Agul responded with cupping his ears and pointing toward Weiss before putting his fists to his cheeks and twisting them.

"You... You heard me crying? Okay then, but how did you get here?" Agul responded by rising from the ground and floating up before landing back down. Weiss, seeing how he didn't seem to be a danger, and from wanting to spill out her feelings to someone other than Klein, began telling Agul what had happened a few days earlier.

"I guess you can hear about what's making me cry here in the courtyard... I-I saw my father after he missed my birthday, talking to mother... When they started arguing about it, he... He told her that..." Weiss couldn't finish the explanation and broke down crying again.

Agul saw this and began comforting her by hugging her. Though a complete stranger was comforting her, Weiss felt safe in the arms of this... Thing.

It felt like being enveloped by a cool water during a hot summer day to her. It was nice. Due to this, she began to calm down. Once Agul saw this, he started to let go but Weiss pulled him back into the hug, tightening it.

"Please... Just... Let me have this for now." Weiss pleaded as the two just stayed there in silence. Once she fully calmed down, Weiss stopped the hug much to her own dissatisfaction to continue her explanation.

"Anyways... I heard him tell her that he had only married her to... G-Gain her family's name..." Once Weiss finished, she started to tear up again, only for Agul to wipe them off and rub her back while rocking her in a hug. She was shocked by another sudden hug but accepted it again.

"Father... Father's been even colder than before while Mother's descended into alcohol to cope from it..." Weiss told Agul as he kept comforting her. 

"I used to want to prove myself to him. I really did, I excelled with everything I was given. Singing, playing the piano, so many things... But he never cared for it. Just like he did with mother, only wanting her for the family name she had. He probably only interacted with me due to all the skills I learned to try and impress him..." Agul silently listened to Weiss talk about her problems as she kept ranting on.

As the Frozen Maiden kept talking, Agul's fists tightened while still simultaneously keeping Weiss in a tender embrace. 'To think this man had done all this to get to the top. He uses anything and everyone to get there, including family it seems.' He thought while also thinking of ways to... 'Politely' meet with the man.

"My father's a self-centered man who sees no value in his own family, only the business, mother is so buried in alcoholism she barely qualifies as one now, and even my little brother is beginning to become just like father. I guess father saw more use in him than he saw in me..." She told him. Even if she was sulking all day, she had already seen her father interacting with Whitley more often.

"The only ones I have left is my older sister but... She's in the military, almost never home so I can never see her and our family butler, Klein, but he can't just take care of just me. He has the whole house to take care of too! If he paid attention only to me, that'd do more bad than good for him." Once Weiss finished at that, she looked to Agul with hopeful eyes.

"It was nice talking with you like this. Even though I'm the only one who seems to be able to talk. I just hope you can come back at some point. It felt nice... Being comforted by you... I can't explain it." With that, Agul let go of Weiss, much to her disappointment and aimed his hand towards the frozen fountain.

"What are you doing?" Weiss asked, being given no response from Agul, she looked down to the ice of the fountain and saw the ice in the fountain glow. It shined brightly before Agul stuck his hand into the light before pulling out a dissipating glow which revealed a beautiful silver earring with a blue diamond in it.

Agul then went and gave Weiss the earring which she held in her hand, examining it, before she proceeded to put it on her right ear.

"Does it look good?" She had asked him, which he nodded with a thumbs up, she smiled at that. Now that she already put the earring on, Agul pointed to his color timer before pointing at the earring, making his color timer repeatedly blink as the earring's gem did the same thing.

"So, this can help me know how close you are to me?" Weiss had asked him which made Agul nod in confirmation. He then pointed towards the earring and then to the color timer.

"So, I can call onto you with it as well...?" Agul nodded to that before walking up to Weiss and hugging her one last time, giving her a head pat before looking to the sky and slowly flying away.

Weiss seeing this called out to him, "Goodbye for now then! I hope to see you again soon!" Agul waved to her as she did the same before, he turned and flew away. Weiss smiled at the thought of someone to comfort her and listen to her, before she began walking back inside admire the new earring that she got from him.

(Now that we've met all of future RWBY, we can finally train them to become better than their original counterparts!)

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