A moment too late.

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My breath turns heavy as tears blur my vision. People start to stare as I sprint my way through the crowd but I don't care. It's not like I'm ever going to see any of them again.
How could he? How could he leave me for her after my parents had been in crash? The very thought of it makes my stomach twist. Snot drips from my nose as I rush up the stairs. No one's here to stop me. Because no one cares. I have no one. No one.

The strong wind hits me like a bullet and it nearly makes my stance falter as I stare down at the concrete 100 feet below me. Fresh tears drench my face and I'm quick to wipe them away. If I am to go, I will go with the upmost confidence. At least I died being sure of what I was doing. At least I had the courage to jump. To know what it feels like to die is something I'll soon find out. Some may call me a coward but I don't give a fuck anymore. I never will as long as I live. Which won't be long.
Millions of thought run through my mind as  I take closer step towards the edge. What will heaven be like? Who will be the first to be find my lying on the floor dead? I surely hope not a child. What will he say when he finds out I died? Will he be happy? Who will go to my funeral?

My thoughts become a reality as my feet are nearly halfway off the edge. Why am I doing this. There's still time to get therapy and everyone has a lover waiting for them. I could fix this. And I'm sure my mother and father wouldn't be very pleased to find that I killed myself because of their death. I still have my two puppies waiting for me at my apartment. What will they do? Will they die too? Who will take care of them? What about my sister who's off away at college? She'll might have the guilt of my death on her shoulders. She might think that she should've been there for me. She's going through our parents loss too. It would be unfair for me to do this.

I realize a moment too late that I don't want to die. Before I'm able to step off the ledge, the powerful wind pushes me off and a sob escapes my body. I don't scream. I don't fight it. I'm falling for a while and I close my eyes tightly. "I don't want to die... I don't want to die." I whisper to myself as gravity takes me and eats me alive. Finally I reach the end and my body pounds into the ground.

Pain. Blood. Throbbing. I don't die immediately but I wish I would. My body is in an abnormal position and everything around me seems to burn. I hear a scream and I realize it's not my own. It's a little girls scream. I hear her little footsteps come closer. "No! Lady! Please stand up! Please! You can't die!" She starts to sob and the sounds of her cry's are the last thing I hear. My heart stops as I lay in my own pool of crimson blood, seeping from the back my head and really anywhere else. Both of legs are broken and my fingers are twisted in weird ways. I don't want to die. But I realize it a moment too late.


sorry y'all....

I was just really bored and this might be the useless thing I've ever written. But this was only to get me out of slump so I'm able to start writing again.

Thanks. Love you💗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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