Big Q

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He was walking along the prime path when he saw Phil walking towards him "Hey Phil" he said with a small wave but Phil didn't wave back he just continued walking past him as he grabbed Wilbur's arm tightly and started dragging him along with him. "Hey! Let go!" He yelled trying to pry Phil's hand off his arm as it was starting to hurt, he whimpered a little and that made Phil stop in his tracks spinning around letting go of his arm in the process only to lightly hold his shoulders, "oh owlet I'm sorry did I hurt you?" Phil said in a worried voice, "what the hell man! Why are you so worried about me!" He screamed pulling away from Phil's grip, he glared at the man not knowing why he cared, why was he here, why was he on the prime path in the first place, was he looking for Wilbur? He started to get scared at his own thoughts, "I, am I not allowed to be worried for a 15 year old child walking around by themselves? Especially since I heard from Sam that you had visited the prison!" Phil yelled throwing his hands into the air in exasperation "No Phil, no your not allowed to be worried about me and I don't know why Sam told you that, he doesn't know the truth, what does he think your my fucking dad or something!" He yelled getting ready to turn back around and back to the prison again.

"Would it be so bad if people thought I was your father Wilbur? Would it really be that bad for people to think that a man who clearly cares for you is your father?" Phil asked with a bit of hope in his eyes, he shook his head and stoned his expression down to a glare "Phil I will tell you as I had told you before pressing that fucking button You are not my father, you never will be, you never were, not now, not ever. I don't need a father, I don't need a family, I have myself and I am just fine with that now fuck off!" He yelled at the end walking away from Phil ignoring the hurt and pain that shot through Phil's face as he stared at where Wilbur used to be standing a few seconds ago.

"Don't need a family, why hasn't any listened to me, I have said this I don't know how many fucking times!" He yelled screaming in frustration as he threw his arms in the air walking down the prime path he confused looks that he got from Connor and HBomb as he continued walking he saw Ranboo crouched down and looking at flowers so he walked over and leant down "What you doin?" He said making the other jump and fall over. He laughed and held a hand out for him "sorry man" he mumbled as he hoisted the other up by the hand. Once Ranboo was on his feet he looked at him and turned his head "Hello Wilbur" he said with a Wrabble and smiled.

Before he could hold it down he let out a peeping sound and his face flushed as he covered his mouth with his hand and looked away, "You alright there man?" Ranboo asked with a nervous chuckle "uh yea. Yea I'm fine had something in my throat is all?" he said it was a question before he decided to walk off but Ranboo followed him"Where are you going?" Ranboo asked him to shrug and continued walking. He went inside the community house and to the ender chest in the corner and grabbed TNT and a lighter out and left the community house heading towards las Nevadas. Ranboo followed him nonetheless. They walked down the black pavement and towards one of the tall buildings he went inside leaving Ranboo standing outside as he placed the Tnt on the floor and exited the building and doing the same for two more and only then did it seem to register with Ranboo what he was planning to do "Wilbur you can't!" Ranboo yelled following after him as he walked a good ways away from the destruction that was yet to come he heard running coming from behind him "THE FUCK WILBUR!" Quakity screamed as he came and punched him in the face leaving a bruise on Wilburs cheek.

Ranboo looked between them wearily and the pulled out his communicator and ran off before Wilbur could grab him, he sighed and looked back at Quakity "Big Q, what was it you wanted to make of this place?" He asked as he looked down at the remote in his hands and sighed pulling his cigarette pack out and lighting one putting in his mouth, he visibly relaxed with a low groan that turned into a slight rumble in his chest. "I wanted to make a place for people to forget the stress and the worry" Quakity said clenching his fists and looked at him, he smiled "Quakity you are going to have to work harder to achieve that" he said as he pressed the button and a massive explosion in different places went off and fire started to roar as they grew higher from being fed the crumbling remains of the once tall buildings. "HAHAHA!" He laughed as he threw the now useless remote sideways and pulling his cigarette from his mouth to his hand, "bastard" he heard being growled behind him and he turned seeing Quakity pulling a sword out of his inventory and lunged at him as he quickly dodged to the side dropping his cigarette in the process.

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