Chapter 1 The Beginning

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I was sitting on my bed ,reading again when a maid came into my room saying that supper was to be served. Before I left I checked to make sure I was in perfect state I looked at the shining mirror a girl with brown hair in a bun and piercing emerald green eyes stared back at me. My hair was quite long which meant that I had a choice of hairstyles to do, the easiest being either a high bun or high ponytail.

I got up from my goose feather bed went down the hallway to reach the grand stairs they were the main staircase in the whole mansion as it had landings on the 2nd,3rd and 4th floor. It had unique swirls and curls with mostly having cream and gold on it. I went to tell grand dining room as that was where we usually ate unless we had a garden party of course.

I came down and sat at the smooth oak table it was made by my great grandfather, true craft man's ship it had a gold embroidered tablecloth made by a famous relative. I sat with my back straight and chin high, a good example of a good posture women should have. That is what mother said.

As if on cue my mother arrived. Her name was Blair Emyrs she was a tall women with long brown hair usually in a fancy hairdo with brown eyes that father would often comment as romantic. She was your typical rich mother often shopping with me and even gossiping with me.

Then father came in Harry Emyrs he was the parent with the Emyrs blood a name known throughout time for amazing things. He had black hair with emerald eyes his hair often messy beyond fix. He liked to spoil me rotten.

After my parents sat down the maids and butlers laid out the food for today.
It was a delicate soup and beef. There was also wine for my parents but only the finest grape juice for me though I did have a small small glass of wine at my side.

After looking at all this food my body only acknowledged how hungry I really was. I was going to begin eating but after one look at my parents I knew something was wrong. "What is it?" I questioned forgetting my manners but I didn't care. The only other time my parents looked at me like this was when my grandmother (my mum's mum) had passed away.

My parents gave a knowing look to each other before looking at me.
"Lily" my father said gently "it's Beatrice she...she died in an accident this afternoon. I'm so sorry" he spoke in a quiet tone.

Tears poured down my cheek as I shook my head repeatedly "no, no!"
I couldn't keep it in."she she can't be she promised to never leave me"

The hunger was soon forgotten as I ran out of the dining room up the grand stairway and into my room the first door to the left. The only things before my room in the hallway was paintings of the Emyrs line.

Beatrice was my best friend since birth. We grew up together both getting home schooled in the Emyrs mansion. We would meet up at any spare moment we had. Even dress up as twins for she was my sister. Her family came to every event we held. Our mothers were friends and our family lines were intertwined as well it was all perfect.

She had blond hair and blue eyes always looking so lively but now when I think of her it is her dead body that haunts me.

I thought of life without her a life I would have to endure. I stare at a picture of my family and hers we were in the centre holding hands we were only 2 then but still wearing matching clothes emerald green dresses a seamstress had made for us. It was only my 2nd birthday,so long ago.

After a while I went to sleep resting.

The next few days revolved around me crying or feeling nothing. My favourite foods were regularly brought up to me by the maids but it was all left untouched. I had thought of nothing exept Beatrice that's when I realised we made promises to each other that if anything were to happen to either of us,before the week ended we would get back on our feet. We would find a coping mechanism. I already knew mine.

I went to my bathroom and had a bath then changed into my normal clothes. I put my hair in a high bun and went downstairs to have supper in the first time in days.

Supper was a pasta that one of our chefs from Italy made as well as special gelato that tasted wonderful. My parents spoke casually to me asking how I was and not pushing me I was thankful for that.

That night when I went to sleep I was finally at peace with what had happened embracing it.

                        Time Skip

I woke to the sound of screaming, shouting and all chaos. I sat up and then I heard it the sound of an alarm it meant that we were in trouble. It meant I had to go to my safe spot. I ran to my closet seeing fire starting to enter my room. When I got in I  started to push the back of the wardrobe revealing a false back.

The back of the wardrobe was my safe room which was designed for me.
It contained a chair and single bed. As well as food that was regularly stocked. The was plenty of light and had enough space for quite a few people if you tried. It had taken my father a year to design and he made sure to hire people who were willing to work over hours and they were paid generously of course. 

I was about to go in when I heard the sound of someone in my room.

I couldn't move into the room because it would make too much of a sound. The only hope I had was that they wouldn't check the wardrobe.

The person who I had assumed was a man by the way they spoke was presumably a pirate only pirates did such things like this. He was just about to leave the room when he turned muttering under his breath "almost forgot the wardrobe ey" I stopped breathing and began thinking of ways to get pit of this situation . My mind was stuck on the training I had for situations like this but no specific area hit me. I had training for it since I was 7 for protection is what father said when I first asked.

His hand reached for the wardrobe door. I silently prayed this would be the last thing I ever did I thought. When he opened the closet time stopped. He was a pirate a mucky one at that he looked as if be had never bathed. His hair was slick back of grease and his face covered in dirt and blood. Of who's I did not know and I wasn't sure I wanted to know either.

He smirked "found you little princess" he said making fun of me. He grabbed me by the arm and tied them together as well as my feet. I was shouting the whole time hung along the lines of "let me go you fool!" or " people will look for me!" Finally he put a cloth around my mouth silencing me. "How bout you keep your pretty mouth shut" he said obviously angry.

He had a sack filled with my clothes and valuables and with me over his shoulder we had left my room.

Authors Note
So what do you think plz comment on your thoughts so far.

Do you want chapter shorter(like 800 to 900),same lenthish  (1000 word and over) or do you want it to be random.

Or something else obvs

Anyways thank you for reading and yeah

(: :)

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