Living together #7

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Tamayo: Okay.

Tamayo sliced the piece of meat and slowly put it to her mouth.

Tamayo: Delicious. It's tender, flavorful, juicing. Ahhhhhhhh! Please teach me how to cook.

Muzan: Eh?

Tamayo: Please be my sensei.

Tamayo asked him while her eyes seems to have stars glittering on it.

Muzan: Sigh... Okay.

Tamayo: Ah.... Anyway Kibutsuji-san.

Muzan: What?

Tamayo: Could you please reconstruct this place?

Muzan: Eh?

Tamayo: It's so dirty and not fit for someone from a high class family to live. Kibutsuji-san did your family only thought you about etiquettes and never teach you how to clean?

Muzan froze up again due to shame.

Tamayo: Don't worry since I'm here. I would gladly help you reconstruct your domain Kibutsuji-sama.

Tamayo teased him.

Muzan: Oh...okay. Let's do it now then.

Muzan snapped his finger and the fortress broke down to bits.

Tamayo was too stunned to speak.

Even before Tamayo could speak up again Muzan already created a new fortress but unlike before he seems to have more functions. He can control anything inside the fortress now.

Tamayo: Woah! Beautiful.

Muzan: Yeah! It's my ten second masterpiece.

Tamayo: As expected on the one who defeated the Demon Progenitor.

Muzan: Stop.

Tamayo: Why?

Muzan: I already told you, i barely won. I don't know how many people he devoured during this last two hundred years. Remember i never ate a human. So my prowess would always not be as strongs as them. Even though i already mastered my abilities, I'm not confident if i could defeat him again.

Tamayo saw Muzan.
She regrets saying cocky things like that.

Tamayo: I'm sorry Muzan.

Tamayo: Eh?

Muzan: Oh? You finally called me using my first name. Let's go, to my new house.

Muzan walked to the fortress and Tamayo followed behind him.

Tamayo saw the insides of the fortress, it was only like a normal house but it was beautiful.

Tamayo: Eh? Kibutsuji-san why does your fortress suddenly became a house and why does your house so beautiful?

Muzan: It was only a illusion. The fortress you just saw was a illusion i created. The door we go through was a portal to my house. You can say that we are inside on a tiny dimension.

Tamayo: How is that possible?

Muzan: It's one of my abilities.

Tamayo: Kibutsuji-san it looked like a ordinary house but why does it look more beautiful? What did you used to create this wall? And this.....

Muzan answered her questions even before she could finish her sentence.

Muzan: It's called concrete. To avoid anymore questions come here.

Tamayo ran to Muzan's side.

Muzan: Here see the future for your self.

Tamayo saw Japan 630 years from now. The structures were unknown to her but seeing her country became beautiful like this, and learned that demon's doesn't exist in this era, tears poured down her eyes.

Tamayo: Wha.... Did you just let me peek to the future.

Muzan: Yes.

In Muzan's thought: It was a lie. I only let her peek some if my memories of japan. That's why she didn't see any demons.

Tamayo: A world without demons.

Tamayo cried. After she cried and begun revealing her secrets.

Tamayo: Kibutsuji-san I'm sorry but i lied about that I'm from the village on the foot of this mountain. I'm traveling to find something i could call home. My parent were killed by a demon, they told me to run to save my life and i left them behind.

Tamayo cried and while Muzan wiped her tears.

Muzan: I already know. I one visited the village you were talking about and asked some local residents. They said after they heard the voice on the top of the mountain they never came back again. Since it was winter that time they don't have any time to get away on the mountain so instead of travelling in winter they process on creating house, many people died because of me. People died because of hunger, people died trying their best to create a house for their families, people died because of me.

Tears poured down on Muzan's eyes.
He finally cried again after over five hundred years.

Tamayo wiped Muzan's tears using her fingers.

They begun to cry to each other. But of them caused someone's death. Both of them felt guilty about what they've done.

Two Years Later.

Tamayo became an adult.

That's Chapter seven I'm out.
There would be grammatical error here again, so goodluck understanding and finding them. hehehehehe.


Reincarnated As Muzan Kibutsuji Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ