~Preparing for the Worst~

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------- Represents a time skip

~~~ Represents a point of view change

'Words' are a character's thoughts

Bolded words at the end are my comments and thoughts

3rd Person POV:

The Monstro Lounge remained quiet, the silence only broken by a few sighs and the sound of a pen scratching over a piece of paper. Despite the lifelessness the dark cafe always held before it opened, the single soul who sat at a booth with his phone's brightness at max so he could see what was in front of him added life to the empty area.

Though the school year had not even begun for the second-year Octavinelle student, Y/n already felt as if he was running behind on his paperwork. As an accountant and treasurer, he had to keep track of the cafe's inventory, file the correct paperwork for the costs of running such an elaborate business, and make sure that the money was going to the right places. It was long and tedious work, leading to Y/n's early morning-last-minute grinding. He knew better than to leave his work unfinished, not wanting to deal with a harsh punishment from his housewarden. Though early and tired, he had dressed up in his dorm uniform and attempted to style his unruly hair, keeping up his put-together appearance. The rings on his hand clacked against the table once he finished his line of writing and started a new one. His fishhook necklace swayed with each of his movements almost like a metronome, keeping him on rhythm and time for each thing he did.

"Nine twenty-pound boxes of lemons, each costing fifty thaumarks. Four hundred fifty in total," Y/n muttered, tiredly blinking one eye at a time while writing down his words. "Fifty cases of twenty-four pop cans, twenty thaumarks each. A thousand total. Twenty four-litre jugs of milk, seven thaumarks per one. Total: one-forty. All expire within two weeks. Replacements will come next week... Ugh." He pinched his cheeks to stay awake, his dazed state preventing him from hearing a pair of footsteps walk closer to him. "How much did Azul want to sell each pop can? It was a markup price... Was the coffee increasing in price too? From two thaumarks to four for a medium cup? I doubt anyone is willing to pay that."

"On the contrary, I believe our customers will be willing to pay the price." The voice of said housewarden quickly woke Y/n from his daze with the power of a thousand volts. "And I remember telling you that the price of the soda will be three thaumarks each yesterday. Did you really forget already?" Azul questioned, not asking if he could join his classmate and fellow dorm member before taking a spot in the booth next to him. Lightly scoffing, Y/n shook his head, resuming writing down various cafe prices and estimated profits.

"I just needed a reminder. Thank you," he monotonously replied, covering his mouth with his free hand and letting out a loud yawn. "I would have expected you to be catching your beauty rest at this hour," Y/n commented, side-eyeing his boss to get a better look at him. Azul was already in his dorm outfit as well, his neat and dominating appearance only enhanced by his clothes. Y/n couldn't see a single flaw in his attire, something he wasn't unfamiliar with, especially concerning the silver-haired housewarden. He was known for his well-put-together yet false exterior.

"One can never be over-prepared when getting ready for first-year students," Azul remarked, his eyes drifting over to the paper in front of Y/n and reading the inventory status. While the h/c-haired second-year knew the teen next to him was not spilling the whole truth, he did not push any further, guessing it would only lead to more questions. "Has everything been organized for the new arrivals?" The silver-haired housewarden questioned, drawing Y/n one more out of his tired daze.

"Once I finish totalling the inventory, yes," he replied, his tired eyes meeting with the other's inquisitive ones. "I've done the rough estimation for revenue and profit. And that accounts for taxes and just in case a few minor accidents occur through the year. Broken plates, misplaced uniforms, unforeseen costs, y'know. The things we didn't consider last year. Or more like, what we didn't dedicate enough money to last year," Y/n explained, looking back at his paper and tapping his pen against the table. "With luck, everything will run smoothly and the newbies will adapt quickly to the work."

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