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In 107 AC, shortly after the battle of the Stepstones, Prince Qoren Martell's wife, Airelle of Braavos, gave birth to the couple's second child, another daughter. Qoren had spent most of his time and money on funding the Triarchy to defeat Lord Corlys Velaryon and Prince Daemon Targaryen.  Which was a battle unfortunately lost around a year ago, just before the birth of Prince Aegon, second of his name, and now the King, Viserys of House Targaryen, had demanded a price be paid by Dorne for betraying the Seven Kingdoms.

Qoren had not much left, perhaps wine and food, but none satisfied the Dragon who sat the Iron Throne, more accurately it didn't satisfy Otto Hightower, the Hand, so, against his better judgement, Qoren offered a ward for the Queen, a young girl she could teach about how to be a proper Princess. Princess Nyferia was offered as Qoren's eldest child would be the Heir of Dorne.

King Viserys wanted to accept immediately, but his Hand had another offer, the hand of young Nyferia in marriage to the Prince Aegon—while his schemes were for the long run—the king agreed as a way to bring the peace. Princess Nyferia and Prince Aegon, both barely a year old, were betrothed by their fathers as a way to bring peace to the realm.

"I shall have peace, and I shall find it in a marriage between my son, Aegon, and Princess Nyferia of Dorne" King Viserys had proudly announced to his council, like it had been his idea, but Otto didn't mind. Aegon's betrothal to another Princess gave him even more power and claim than Rhaenyra. Dorne would support their Princess, no matter what was to come, and if Aegon was to have heirs with the Princess, the better.

Lady Airelle of Braavos, wife to Prince Qoren, had one request; to have her child with her until she turned four, and both the King and Prince of Dorne had agreed, the young girl would not leave for King's Landing until she reached her fourth name day, and while it seemed long and far away, it had come sooner than expected.

Lady Airelle had to say good bye to the young girl, who had been a force to be reckoned with, and see her off to King's Landing, where Dragons would surround her.


longer intro, this will be aegon only and no bastards or that moment with the servant girl, basically a AU!aegon

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