Purple Truth

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*Lucia's POV*

I woke up to Amelia rubbing my chest like a cat, she then woke up smiling at me.

"Morning Amelia" Lucia
"Morning love" Amelia

"How did you sleep?" Lucia

"Great the best I have ever slept but I was thinking maybe we could go on a.... d-date" Amelia

Amelia blushed when speaking I couldn't help but do the same, I smiled and giggled she looked away sadly.

I grabbed her face with my hand and made her look at me, she tried to look away but I kissed her lips softly and Passionately, she kissed me back immediately.

I broke the kiss and looked into her gorgeous golden eyes,
"yes I would love to go on a date with you" I spoke in a soft but Sincere tone, she smiled and hugged me tightly and shouted "I love you" to me.

I hugged her back but tighter than her then when I did she Winced and I immediately pulled back, she fell back laying down on the bed in pain, I pulled her back up to say sorry but all she did was giggle.

"I'm fine you just pressed on a burn too hard" Amelia

I looked at her with puppy dog eyes she just sighed and smiled going back to hugging me, she started to snuggle into my chest again and almost fall asleep but I stopped her because it was morning also I was hungry and I could tell she was too.

"Love you can't go back to sleep" Lucia
"Why though?" She mumbles

"Because we need to eat and do something not snuggle in bed all day" Lucia

Amelia smirked while looking at and I knew what she was thinking,
"We cou-"
"No no, we are not doing that" I cut her off
"Please lucia~" she spoke in a seductive tone

The way she said it made me want to do it but I denied her again and she finally got the point she sighed and then pouted, and I just giggled at her adorable face.

Her expression changed from pouting to a funny yet annoyed face, I smiled and hugged her softly, and we eventually got out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast.

I made pancakes and eggs taking me 15 minutes to do when I got them done Amelia looked so cute with her hungry face.

"That looks so good" She spoke drooling

"Yeah it does," I said not looking at the food but looking at her instead

She noticed and looked away blushing, I put the food on the table and sat down on the chair next to her, looking at her in an 'I love you' way.

*After eating and cleaning the dishes*

I was laying on the couch with Amelia's back on my chest and my hands around her not too tightly,

"Hey Lucia" She spoke in a shy kinda way
"Mmm" I hummed

"I was wondering if you would still love me if I dyed my hair a different color, purple maybe?"

I stayed quiet thinking how good she would look with purple hair, I think I stayed quiet a little too long cause she started to get up looking sad and irritated, I grabbed her a pulled her back down.

"I think you would look hot~ with purple hair" I whispered in her ear with a seductive tone

"Oh um i-i Ah~" she blushed out of embarrassment

"Hehe" I giggled

I kissed her cheek and she looked sad which made me concerned and curious,

"Hey you ok, did I do something wrong?" I ask concerned

"Well my old partner said I would look good with purple hair and when I dyed it, he um-" She started to shed some tears

"He what?" I ask in a soft voice

"H-hit me a-and called me a-a w-whore and slut" she almost broke down in tears

I hugged her with a pissed-off look, the more I thought about it the tighter I hugged her, she calmed down after a few hours and I kissed her cheek making her smile.

"I promise I won't say anything like that if you dye your hair purple" I spoke

"Ok.." She got up walking to the bathroom

*15 minutes later*

I heard the door opening and Amelia say to close my eyes so I did, I felt her presence in front of me but it was a little different it felt more calming and peaceful than usual,

"Ok open your eyes" I heard a little worry in her voice

I opened my eyes to see a cotton candy-haired goddess in front of me.

*what she looks like, sorry won't know who the art is mainly because I'm blind*

*what she looks like, sorry won't know who the art is mainly because I'm blind*

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"Like my new look noticed?♡" Amelia

"Oh wow... hair" I whispered

Amelia laughed at that and I giggled a little too, she smiled her signature smile at me having me blush for the 100th time in 1 month, I felt my nose start to bleed but immediately covered it up with my sleeve.

"So do think I look like an" Amelia got cut off
"No, I don't think you look like that! I think you look like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life" lucia stated

"Thanks, Lucia and I think you would look good with-" Amelia

"No, no don't you dare finish that sentence" Lucia

"Ok, ok you win, wait is your nose bleeding" Amelia

"Yes that's how hot-I mean" more blood came out of my nose

"Haha, thanks, here" she giggled then grabbed some tissues from the table in front of the couch, she wiped off the blood and all I could do was blush while she did.

"Your adorable you know that" Amelia

"I can say the same for you, blight" Lucia

"Mhmm" Amelia

After my nose stopped bleeding we just laid on the couch watching TV but I swore to god that if that boy was still alive I'm going to kill him for calling such a beautiful girl a whore and slut.... and It's going to be fucking painful.
Wow I finally got that done ✔️
Hope you liked this chapter.

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