28. Tormenting Wait

Start from the beginning

"What's in a name? That, which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet," he said.

I smiled a little and said, "Quoting Shakespeare. Impressive."

He laughed and shook his head. "I was reading Romeo and Juliet, lately."

"I never liked Romeo and Juliet, to be honest," I said.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I just don't like it."

"Okay, I get it. Relax a bit Evans."

Yeah, right. Relax. My cousin is kidnapped and I had to relax. But instead, I forced a smile.

• • •

The search party still haven't returned. I'm worried but there is no use brooding over it. I just have to wait another hour. Just one more hour.

• • •
I know that it was Renna's cousin who was kidnapped today. Maybe, that is why I have been avoiding her. I cannot face her. Knowing who I am and what runs in my blood, I cannot. I think I know who did this but can I tell her? Maybe, yes. Or maybe, not.

"Are you okay Carter?"

"Yeah, I'm grand Nathan," I replied.

I'm not grand. I'm sick of this. Of everything. I want things to get back to normal.

• • •

Carter looked upset but I couldn't exactly pin point about what. Ever since Florentyna had barged into our lives, everything has been jeopardised. Not that I'm blaming her. I bet her life has been like a living hell too. And who knows how hell is better than me?

"What are you smiling at, Nathan?"

I looked up to see Carter staring down at me.

"Nothing," I replied.

"Nothing?" he asked.

"Yeah, nothing," I said again.

I knew something was bothering him. I also knew about his feelings for Florentyna. Florentyna again. Little did she know how witty and clever she is to figure out my secret. But then again, I shouldn't have gone to that damned balcony. I was just tempted......

• • •

I stared at my textbook trying to make sense of the words. Everything was a jumble. Our lives were a jumble. Nova is in the shower since almost an hour and Bex is probably with her headphones somewhere. I don't know. Not to brag, but they call me a genius and nerd and geeky and all that but right now, I don't feel like one. I'm worried. Worried for Renna and everyone out there. The demons....why are they back? I mean, we really never had them a few years back. But they started increasing by the day....

• • •

So the demons are back. Cool. I mean, I had fought a few of them but now, they are full fledged back. And I bet my adorable twin sister's power helps them. I mean, it is during the night that they are the strongest, right? I never really hated Nyx. It is just....in-built. I can't help it. I was always afraid of dark. But she. She loves darkness. And is not at all scared. She would bully me with her ability of creating darkness. I hated her for that. I still do, I think. But Nyx is least of my worries. Right now, it is what we will do if the search party doesn't return on time......

• • •

"Stupid songs!"

"Did you say something?"

"No, I did not."

Ugh! Even though I'm playing I Feel Like Dancin' Tonight (by All Time Low) on repeat, I don't at all feel like dancing. Who would? In such a situation? I'm just hoping that Daphne is fine. Of course, I barely knew her but she is Renna's cousin. And Renna is my friend. Whatever happens, I hope that the search party is successful. Or else, I know that I'm going with Renna even if Nova and Eva back out.

• • •

My office is getting depressing day by day. I hate being "Headmistress Freya" now. New demons crop up every now and then. What I find absurd is the kidnapping of Daphne Clarke. Why would someone kidnap her? The only significant information about her is that she is Melissa's daughter. Niece of Leo and Madeleine. Mystic of Dreams and Nightmares. Just like her father. Nothing more. Then why her? And the demons. Ferdinand thinks it is the Sorores Peccati. But it cannot be. I don't want it to be. They're dead. He says that they are immortal but they are dead.

• • •

Freya doesn't understand. It is the Sorores Peccati. Who else would send such demons? I cannot explain the kidnapping of Daphne but I know it is them. They have regenerated. They are goddamn immortal! The good doesn't always prevail. Then the equation would be imbalanced. To balance the equation we need Evil. But that doesn't mean that we cannot defeat it and suppress it. And we have suppressed it for fifteen years. And now they rise to take their place in the equation. But Freya doesn't want to believe me. Who would want to believe this crazy theory of mine?

• • •

"Ten seconds more," I muttered under my breath.

Ten seconds more and if the search party doesn't return, then we sneak out. Adrenaline ran through my veins and I was feeling good. Not scared or weak. Good.

"Time up!"

I ran past doors weaving my way through the crowded hallways to our suite. I burst open the door and scrutinised the room. Eva was reading her textbook while Bex was lying on the bed, headphones on. Nova must've just come out after a shower because I could still smell her strawberry conditioner. They turned to look at me.

"Are you guys ready?"

They looked at each other and then back at me.

"Yes," they said in unison.

"Look, guys. This thing...I'm not sure..I don't know what I'm doing myself and..."

"Ren, stop. We are coming with you. Whatever it is," Nova cut me off.

"Yeah! I'm in it. The only way I'm missing this is if I was knocked out and locked in a chest in a train. In Guatemala," Bex said.

I smiled. "Eva?"

"You need me. I have the maps ready and my new and improved tracker machine and....you need me," Eva said.

I looked at them in turn and asked myself this: What did I do to deserve them?

"Then, let's do it!"

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