Chapter 2 ( 15 Days Before His Pretend)

Start from the beginning

My question has been answered when I enter the restaurant. Both of my parents are facing my direction there are two other ladies sitting astride them. Even from afar, I can still notice that familiar figure of a woman with long curvy raven-hair sitting on the right side.

No, it can't be her!

There are lots of black-haired woman in New York. And besides I don't thingk she's an acquaintance to my parents.

I go closer to verify my thoughts.

Holy fuck*ng sh*t!

Could it be that my eyes was mocking me? Sitting before me is Mandy and her mother Amelia. My heart is throbbing faster and my forehead is starting to sweat.

Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!

My rear is half my seat when my father interrogate me in a strong Greek accent," Is it true that you spend a night robbing the innocence of Ms. Lawrence?"

He goes straight to the hole.

I knew that my father has the answer, he was only waiting for me to lie. So what was the significance of asking? And what was the significance of lying?

My short nod triggered a long deafening silence. There is no need for further explanation. I knew my father won't be flying here in New York without verification and clarification. He won't be flying here just to ask me an insane question.

I dare to point my eyes at the witch. She was seating like a sweet innocent child beside her proud mother. I couldn't believe how an angelic mask can cover a wicked spirit inside.

Mendacious scheming b*tch!

After a century, for me it seems, my father accented voice shattered the silence, " Amelia, how about a personlized gown for your daughter and my son's wedding?"

End of flashback

My mind turns back into present as the distance of my destination shorten. I parked my brand new sexy babe Buggatti Veyron into an exclusive parking lot. Only royalties, millionares and politicians can acquire a stunning babe such as her. Might as well secure her.

I grab my black leather suit case and my coat at the side and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button which indicates the number of the floor where Mandy's flat is situated.

Finally, after three years of a completely miserable life, with a scheming wicked witch as a wife, I will make a movement to make changes. Whether she like it or not, things will directly be on my side. No one can stop me now. Even her equally demonic mother.

The faint 'pling' of the elevator indicates that I reach the floor. I went straight to the left corner of the hall and search for the exact address written on my phone. I stood straight when I clarified that the correct door is infront of me. I heard the light buzz after I press the button on the right side of the white wooden door. I was thinking of pressing the button again after five minutes of standing with no apparent movement of the door when it suddenly open.

Standing in front of me is a five feet five inches woman, wearing a white simple loose shirt and a tight black pants, her black curly hair was tightly swirled in a messy bun. Strands of glossy charcoal hair was cascading down her heart-shape, soft delicate face. A very feminine nose speaks aristocracy right below a pair of emerald round eyes that is staring right back at me. Her lips was a shape and a color of an apple

How can a witch look so angelic? Looks can be deceiving, indeed.

After studying her appearance, I noticed that she was gawping at me without blinking an eye. I waited for her to move after a million of seconds but she just continue to drool at me. Yes, drool. I became impatient.

"Are you going to stand there forever and gawp at me like a statue or are you going to let me in?" I said impatiently.

"O-off course. Come in." She open the door wider and closed it after I step inside. I was impressed when I scan her massive apartment. It was a very spacious room eqquiped with modern furnitures and appliances. Colors of white, pastels and wood were scattered around the area. Several intricate paintings were hanging on the wall. I notice that most of the subjects are faces of women with floral background. There are abstract paintings in small frames hanging on the kitchen as well.

So, witches admire art.

When I turn around and caught her eyes, she immediately looked down on the floor as if she was burned from my stares.

"Where?" I said in my tired voice. Hours of seating on my private jet with an endless work on my Macbook completely drained my energy and a good sleep and an heavenly shower seem like a good idea. I need to know where is my room.

"What do you mean 'where'?" She said in a confused voice.

"Where is my room?" I answered.

"Oh. T-the last room on the r-right side of the hall. " She said pointing her long finger on the right side.

With no further address, I walked straight to the room. If I counted it right, there are a total of five rooms in her flat. I enter the last door on the right side of the hall and just like the main sala and the kitchen, the room is white with mix of pastels. I hurriedly stripped my clothing without caring where it landed and dive directly to the bed. I close my eyes and doze to sleep. A good shower completely forgotten.

My eyes flattered open after hearing a knock on the door. After checking my golden Rolex on the floor, I realize that I have overslept for three hours.

"Are you awake? I was thinking that you might be hungry so I prepared some food on the kitchen."She said behind the closed door.

"A minute." I said while picking my clothes on the floor and wearing them on. I reach for my leather case and fetch a Manila envelope. I don't have much time to stay in this space and breath the same oxygen with the baneful witch outside this room. There are much important things waiting for me outside. And when I said important, matters that are more significant than your lives.

I will get this bullsh*t over as soon as possible.

Carrying the envelope with my left hand I leave the room and settle myself on one of the silver stool of her enormous kitchen. Spicy seafood aroma of a cooking pasta filled my nostrils. I saw her transferring some sauce on the platter although her back was facing me. She look very domestic with her white apron, messy bun hair, and a bowl of smoking pasta on the background.

Feeling my presence, she look at my direction and a joyful smile form her lips. I was thinking that if my presence made her delightful, might as well make it a reason to make her feel disgusted. This is not your day to celebrate my unwanted wife.

She carried a tray containing two bowls of smoking seafood pasta, 2 glasses of orange juice and place it on the counter in front of me.

"Sit." I said in my controlling cold voice.

When she was finally settled on the stool infront of me, I wasted no more second and hand her the Manila envelope. I saw a hint of confusion on her face. But later on she accept the envelope. She was about to speak when I cutted her. "Open it."

She open the envelope with her slightly shaking hands. Her face full of confusion sudddenly turned into a great scowl of shock, fear and disapproveness .

A triumphant smirk marked my face.

(End of Chapter 2)


What do you think is the content of the mysterious envelope?

And what can you say about Greg's iceburg treatment towards Mandy?

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to comment. That is my only wish from you guys. Feel free to correct my grammatical errors on the comment section.

Till the next chapter,

P.S. I included a photo ( of how Mandy's apartment might look like, so we can all have an idea. Beautiful, isn't it?

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