chapter 244: Take the Lombre Home

Start from the beginning

Brock: hey relax it's just a zubat

Jacob: exactly nothing to be afraid, most pokemon attacks happen if you disturb them

Brock: Yeah, You Just have to not disturb them, their more afraid of you than you are of them

Jacob: and if you do disturb them on purpose then you're either an idiot or have a death wish, usually it's the idiot reason

May: Understood

Brock: hey look

They saw a Solrock in the distance

Jacob: a Solrock, now theres a pokemon that's not common in the forest

Max: Yeah Solrock's are Most found in dark caves but never in forests this is very strange

May: Maybe it got lost

Jacob: yeah i caught mine in a cave *pulls out his pokeball and summons his Solrock*

Solrock: Huh? What's going on Jacob? Something wrong?

Jacob: oh nothing we just found another Solrock in the forest here

Solrock: That's strange we usually don't leave our caves, we are rock types after all, we only ever come out during the brightest part of the day

Jacob: well it's bright but bright enough here

Solrock: True but then there would be more, it seems like it's the only one

Jacob: i see, maybe i can talk to it later, we gotta resume looking for that spring


They arrived at the spring unfortunately it was completely empty and dried up

Jacob: ahhh crap it's empty, not much of a spring anymore, it's just a big empty hole in the ground

May: Oh No! Now we have no water!

Max: That's your concern?

Jacob: i heard humans can last up to three days without water

May: Yeah but we can croak much faster than that

Jacob: is my hydro pump on the table yet? Anyone?

Everyone: No

Jacob: ok it was just an idea, they're not all winners, well i once heard that when people got thirsty they would find a rock flip it over and lick it *picks up a rock* Who wants to test that?

May: No Thank you, I rather not get Salmonella

Jacob: oh well then we're screwed well you guys are I'll be fine

May: hey look over there

They turned and saw a village

They turned and saw a village

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May: is that a village

Jacob: i think it is

Brock: and just in time, im sure they'll have some water down there

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