The beginning

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He doesn't really know when it began, no one really knows but ever since he really knew himself he rote these poems. Everyone thought that they were made up or at least about a lost love even tho they were not so lost more like a love that he cold never get. This person is someone he sees every day so its kind of hard hiding his liking to him but after all these years he managed to hide them at least when there hanging out together.

It was morning Mihai woke up still tired even tho he slept a good 9 hours and surely because he couldn't help himself the first thing he thought of was exactly the one he was not supposed to think about, Ion. Trying to clear his head he went outside on the front porch , without changing ,brushing his teeth or eating breakfast but there he was ,it was like when you think of a person to much and you get a ilusion of them standing right in front of you but the problem was that this was real.

Ion quickly walked over to Mihai without hesitation side hugging him before talking'' What are you doing outside so early , you look like your still in pijamas'' there was a little wait ''I am'' he answered drily. Ion waited a bit maybe for something more but nothing came out of Mihai's mouth so he spoke again '' I'm going to my grandma's so see you later, ok?'' ''sure'' then he left.

Going back inside all that Mihai could feel was pure sadness ,not because he just saw the one who made him lose his mind but because he couldn't say more without wanting to cry his eyes out.

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